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These are the winning ideas of 2021.

Community development

Heritage volunteers and friends for Sakar

Despite the lack of local development policies and civic cohesion, and the general skepticism towards volunteering in the town, we have joined forces for heritage volunteering with the vision for rev…
Community development

Growing Your Future from Seeds and Ideas

We will work with people that we call the “new settlers” – young individuals or couples who are leaving behind life in the city to settle in rural areas in North-East Bulgaria. Covid-19 has triggered…
Community development

ProBono Expertise for Mission Driven Organisations

We embrace pro bono superpowers of the corporate communities and harness them in favor of mission driven organisations (NGOs and Social entrepreneurs) to ensure their agility and resilience to effect…
Community development

Community Building(s)

Economic downturn in the city of Vratza has impeded proper care for historic buildings, although cultural heritage is key to economic development. Our one-year program will build a community around t…
Community development

Be responsible - castrate. Save a life!

The need to end the abandonment of animals / dogs in order to reduce their population on the street, to educate the local population about castration, to achieve a dialogue with local authorities, ot…
Community development

Youth Academy "Speak UP"

The Youth Academy "Speak UP" will involve 80 young people aged 15-29 from all 6 regions in Bulgaria in a 3-stage training and multiple challenges. The Academy will empower youth by equipping them wit…
Community development

Step Out of the Box: Open Your Mind for Difference

People of fragmented community in depopulated Brestovo in the poorest EU region will be challenged for common interactions, different perspectives, deliberate dialogue and to step in others’ shoes. D…


The project aims to empower citizens and NGOs as equal participants in the management of Kaspichan municipality along with the legally elected governing bodies through civic education, active public …
Social inclusion

Bridging the gap: Friendship programme

The project brings together volunteers and children deprived of parental care in Bulgaria, so that they can help each other through their friendship. Volunteers will find a way to be active citizens,…

95 ideas found