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All ideas | Civic Europe

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These are the winning ideas of 2021.

Arts and cultural activities | Community development

The Nest a rural shelter for the community

We want to reactivate a public space that used to be the place of reunion for the elderly community of a village to transform it in an open intergenerational space for the community. With culture and…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Acceso 24

Puente de Vallecas is a neighborhood in Madrid with the highest rate of people with disabilities yet most of the public institutions are inaccessible and nobody is working on eliminating physical, so…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Cultural Cohesion Against Covid Crisis (CCACC)

During the Covid-crisis we have seen self organized communities taking care of each other, building grassroots movements to feed, share, and putting together the few goods, time and culture left in o…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Creating community

We seek to promote a joint reflection on coexistence in the rural world that involves all the social groups that comprise it. With the collected opinions, we will create a community Forum Theater sho…
Arts and cultural activities

(+ Culture) + Social = Resilient community

The main goal is to promote an inclusive culture by encouraging the feeling of belonging to cultural creation and offerings in the broad diversity of people at risk of exclusion in our city. To this …
Arts and cultural activities | Community development


A plan to build a toxic and dangerous waste dump was make the people react against the big corporations and politicians from the capital . Once we won in our fight our goal was return the social p…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion


“Here there are dragons” (Hic sunt dracones) is what they wrote in medieval times when they did not know what was beyond the explored territory. This project seeks to give visibility, autonomy, and …
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Invisible Parties

This is a community art project that will take place in two villages of the periphery of Portugal. It combines performative arts, music and dance, in order to create a safe piece of territory where d…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Hello Neighbour

"Hello Neighbour" educates rural youth through art, culture and democratic values. We will buy and customize a bus driving through the Ribera Baixa region and inviting people to pop in. Teens will ar…

20 ideas found