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Cultural Cohesion Against Covid Crisis (CCACC) | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities, Community development

Cultural Cohesion Against Covid Crisis (CCACC)

Thinking in a post covid19 scenario our aim is to start a cultural and grassroots infrastructure to rebuild the social bond thru sociocultural activities based on the promotion of democratic culture.


Who is behind this?

Fernando Sabín



Who is joining forces?

Asociación de Vecinos Cuatro Caminos-Tetuán


Radio Almenara


Más que Palabras



Idea pitch

During the Covid-crisis we have seen self organized communities taking care of each other, building grassroots movements to feed, share, and putting together the few goods, time and culture left in order to overcome the pandemic. We want to build an infrastructure to make these newborn networks of solidarity settle down and be long lasting, as they are critical to overcome this moment of social, economic and environmental crisis. We want to help rebuilding and strengthening social bond.

Where will your project idea take place?

The project will take place in Tetuán a popular district in north Madrid Spain,

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Tetuán has 153.789 inhabitants. A third of Tetuan's homes suffers from economic hardships, the fifth part is at risk of exclusion and 3,500 survive in extreme poverty. The district's income is but it´s distributed with great inequality. With a 29.5% is the fifth district in Madrid with more immigration.
Due to the Covid crisis, the district social fabric has suffered a deep impact. Social services are saturated and the Minimum Insertion Income only gets to one in five households in extreme poverty. Food security and other emergencies needs remain in the hands of mutual support.
The district has two main social risks that are accentuated by the health crisis: destruction of its community social fabric (very weak due to its aging and precariousness) and the growing gentrification.

Who are you doing it for?

Our target group will be people in a vulnerable situation and our main effort will be supporting people to become a full part of society. With a joint effort, the people that we want to work with will be able to give their lives shape and content again and participate actively in our society. The wishes and needs of the person asking for help are central to us. Because no two people are the same. And we want to start from what someone can do. Not from what someone cannot do. We believe in the power of people. Always.
With our project, we want not to only contribute to the lives of the people we work with. We also want to contribute to the quality of life in our neighbourhood. Our aim it is to connect people with each other and help prevent or reduce social exclusion and promote resilience

How do you plan to get there?

Our approach will be participatory one, under our point of view this approach is based in four main principles dialogue, participation of the communities, cultural identity, and empowerment.
First of all we need a space to develop our project, we are already working on that issue. Once we have the space we will need to rehabilitate it. Also we will need to attend al the requirements related to licensing issues among others.
At the same time we will be developing a cultural agenda so we can start with our activities and workshops as soon as the rehabilitation is finished and the licensing issues are solved.
Also one of our first steps will be to build a strong network of founding partners that provide us with the all the support that we will need to make our project to be successful.

What are the expected results?

We will have a place full of activities, the neighbourhood, and mainly vulnerable people, will gain a meeting point that will allow the people to reconnect themselves as political subjects. People will feel empowered and see that thanks to collective action they have been able to generate not only strong ties of trust, but also have been able to solve some of their quotidian problems.
An space based on community development and democracy, attending to people's needs, desires and aspirations.
We understand empowerment as the capacity of people to determine their own affairs. For us empowerment has not to do with giving voice and power, rather we think that people it self has his own has voice and power. Therefore our goal it is to enable communities to increase control over their lives.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

These spaces are necessary to create synergies between projects, which are today are atomized and also they are a key to strengthen social and democratic participation.
Therefore we want to work collaboratively to fosters bonding, adds effort, and strengthens grassroots initiatives, a catalyst that invites citizens to participate in the initiatives that wants to improve societal cohesion
We want to work collaboratively with others, to foster bonding, and strengthening grassroots initiatives, a space that invites citizens to participate in actions and ideas that wants to improve their area
Promoting culture as a tool for social cohesion, and we plan to improve the quality of people's lives through activities, developing specifics objectives of the Social Economy and generating employment

Why is this idea important to you?

Our societies face challenges that affect all of us and generations to come; climate crises, growing inequalities, polarization, and recently the effects of the covid pandemic. We believe these challenges need courageous and imaginative answers.
Along history as well as in the next post coronavirus scenario, people does not live by bread alone. Thats is why we want to focus on culture as a basic need, offering various forms activities related with: art for social change, sustainable, ecological and proximity consumption...
We want to ensure that the different aid forms are compatible. And that the demand for care determines care and not the supply or financing of care. We have a strong core of values that guide our actions: freedom of speech, diversity, cooperation, democracy

€ 168000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Building reform 30.000
Rental and supplies 50.000
Staff wages 66.000
Comunication 5.000
Activities 10.000
Office expenses7.000
TOTAL 168.000



Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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