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Acceso 24 | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities, Social inclusion

Acceso 24

Rising an awareness through inclusive performing arts and co-designing a vivid neighborhood to become inclusive, accessible and wheelchair friendly zone.


Who is behind this?

Monika Pozek

MeetShareDance Association



Idea pitch

Puente de Vallecas is a neighborhood in Madrid with the highest rate of people with disabilities yet most of the public institutions are inaccessible and nobody is working on eliminating physical, social and intellectual barriers. The idea is to visit schools and public centers and through inclusive dance workshops showing that disability is not a limitation if we offer inclusive environment. In addition, we will co-design barriers mapping and architectonic solutions.

Where will your project idea take place?

The project will take place In Madrid, specifically in Puente de Vallecas neighborhood.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Despite being the biggest neighborhood in Madrid, Puente de Vallecas faces various obstacles such as
- Residencies for people with disabilities cannot connect with local association as most of the places are not accessible
- There is a lack of accessible places where people with disabilities can have public and social life
- bad or no accessible transport with the rest of Madrid
- the unemployment is almost the highest compared with city average.

Who are you doing it for?

The beneficiaries of this project are not the people with disabilities only but the local community that has to work together to become inclusive.
- people with disabilities excluded to take active part of social activities due to inaccessibility
- schools: many time youth is not not aware of their disability rights because if you don't know people disability you don't get the information nor knowledge
- people who are interested in co-creating better inclusive neighborhood
- people and local organizations who are not aware of physical barriers of their physical places

How do you plan to get there?

1. Surveying and data collection on exact number of public primary and high schools, public libraries, accessible and non-accessible buildings and cooperation with actors in the field
2. Getting in touch with at least 30 primary schools and 15 high schools of the neighborhood that we don't know yet and presenting the project
3. Social interactions between people with and without disabilities through involvement in activities
4. Open a call for 5 local volunteers (young or elderly) that have or not experience in performing arts and that would like to participate in the facilitation
4. Establish the foundation for a community support network
5. Development of a web page for the registration of initiatives and actions.
6. Preparation of recommendations for the local community how to adapt inaccessible to accessible (physical and intellectual)

What are the expected results?

The main expected result is to open the doors of public spaces and make it accessible and inclusive. That seeing a person with disabilities won't be just staring or looking away as a result of lack of knowledge or less respect but actively engage both communities into active participation. We also want to prepare a list of recommendations for a local disability strategy to be proposed to the municipality, so they can address the issue systematically, listening the vulnerable group. We hope to established foundations for future continuous cooperation among local communities and organizations, demystify disability as something horrible. We also believe that with this project we can strengthening the connection with other local NGO's and plan more long-term project in the future.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

If community understands that to become social and political active you need an accessible society. It is not enough to have residency for people with disability and social security for them and forget about the rest. We need and we are education society that disability is not limitation but if the society puts a lot of limitation they cannot full participate in civic life. Physical barriers are one problem that we will highlight, social and intellectual barriers are even more rigid and rooted. With inclusive arts education we approach the topic from artistic part and showing possibilities to people with disabilities, giving them voice to talk in first person about their experiences and how important the community is to them. The project will help to connect both communities.

Why is this idea important to you?

In MeetShareDance we believe in inclusion. Since 2012 we promote dance, inclusion and disability and generate a public space that propels cultural exchange and artistic development. We believe that through art we can speak the same language and is a unique tool to social inclusion. We are a group of adults with and without disabilities (team of 6 volunteers) strongly engaged in inclusion for more than 15 years.

€ 32500,-

Total budget

€ 32500,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Human resources (1 project coordinator + 1 volunteer and workshop coordinator): 20.000 €
Web development: 1.500 €
Workshops costs: 6000€
Communication and dissemination: 500 €
Material for the activities: 1.200 €
Admin expenses: 200 €
Educational and workshop videos and campaign: 2500 €
Local transport for workshop leaders: 600€

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would love to get your feedback on our idea and if maybe we can share our practices and connect with other partners.



Idea created on April 25, 2021

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