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All ideas | Civic Europe

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These are the winning ideas of 2021.

Young Roma Congress

For last 30 years nearly all policies targeting Roma population have been adopted without proper participation of Roma. The main objective of the project is to build credible non-partisan advisory bo…
Social inclusion

Society formation begins with relations in class

In the classroom, teenagers are most confronted with social, religious, value differences. Therefore, our project is focused on the class. The aim is to prevent xenophobia, discrimination, intoleranc…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development


Our goal is to set up a meeting place, where we can promote the famous bagpipers folkore of Jedlove Kostolany and to motivate young people to continue in this tradition to make it live as long as pos…
Community development

MYesto: space to grow

Once upon a time, there was a town where nobody wanted to live, nobody wanted to visit, where nothing interesting could be experienced, where people had no interest in the others and did not see thei…
Social inclusion | Community development

Lifeology for teenagers – subject about you

through more than 100nonformal learning methods and activities,they are able to raise their skills for REAL LIFE.Through main 4 topics:Innerscience–how to find their strengths,weaknesses, selfrespect…
Social inclusion

Building bridges

Our main objective is to promote a democratic culture of living in diversity and in tolerance to differences among people from Orava and start to form positive attitudes of being open to those who ar…
Community development

Depolarisation through Pub(lic) Talks

We aim at establishing popular Pub(lic) Talk format that will enable respectful dialogue on controversial issues among diverse groups of local people, increasing mutual understanding, empathy and str…
Community development

Let's Wake Up Sleeping Valleys

There are places in Slovakia that are massively underdeveloped and have no or low civic engagement. We will give them a chance by finding local HEROES - potential local leaders, with a dream and cour…
Community development

One world on demand

Festival One World in regions and OW on demand, mediates the topic of human rights and the various positions of the people in contemporary society within Slovakia. The project increases the sensitiv…

45 ideas found