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These are the winning ideas of 2021.

Community development

Bilingual Montessori class in PL/CZ border region

Although we live in CZ/PL border area where both nations interact for centuries there are still many prejudices which prevent good neighborhood relations. We believe the education is the most powerfu…
Community development

Mothers to Mothers

The main objective is creating an independent women´s community in four regions in Moravian-Silesian Region and one in Olomouc region for regulary meetings to solve controversial topics (forest kinde…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development


Our goal is to introduce a contemporary art to a culturally secluded rural society. Contemporary artistic activities are concentrated in the urban space. We would like to incorporate them into a peri…
Social inclusion | Community development

Everybody Needs SomeBuddy

Our goal is to empower migrants to become an engaged part of the civil society and to create a safe space where migrants and locals can meet each other, gain better mutual understanding, improve inte…
Community development

Let us discuss

„Let us discuss“ aims at children and their parents which are facing the divorce and offer them the possibility to share their ideas, meanings, feelings to the others through social dialog beween the…
Community development

Once upon a Time Behind a Forest Deep and a Tunnel

It’s beautiful down here, below the mountains. But the land is poor. Many have grown bitter and see no opportunities in their lives. Yet they are to be found – within ourselves. We want to help five …
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Project incubator for young

Project incubator for youth is an informal educational project. There will be prepared one-week workshop –an incubator for solidary project, where youth from 4 countries will work together on 5 solid…
Community development

Community Lab of Democracy and School Education

A school founded and directed by parents, children and staff. Impossible? No, we are the example. Our community of 40 families has been running a primary school since 2015, and another one since 2020…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Together for the City Center

Every city deserves a nice center. For Ústí nad Labem to deserve it, it is necessary to connect important partners: citizens, public administration, experts, schools, and owners of land which have be…

41 ideas found