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These are the winning ideas of 2021.

Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

House Libuše, Island of Positive deviation

Libuše is an empty house in the middle of the biggest socially excluded locality in the CR. We want to use it for inhabitants of Janov district to enhance and foster relationships among neighbours fr…
Community development | Education and research

Democratic education partnership

Since 2017 our inclusive community garden inspires informal education communities all around Slovakia. We have set up a free democratic, inclusive school. We raise awareness about alternative educati…
Community development

A church that breaks borders

The church persists for centuries, the people around it change. They come and leave… the church can become the center of life again. Our project double-goal 1) make a public competition of architectu…
Community development | (Social) Entrepreneurship


Our project tackles the problem of low resilience and insufficient civic engagement of people living in areas with low civic cohesion in former Sudetenland. Our vision is to find, connect and support…
Community development

Learning democracy from children

Living democracy in our schools positively influences children and their future but it also affects their parents and other very diverse members of our local communities. As our experience has shown…
Community development

Progress the educational system in Czech

The main challenge is to bring together and support actors in education who are looking for elements of democracy, freedom and responsibility in education. The aim is to build a community of free and…
Community development

Bilingual Montessori class in PL/CZ border region

Although we live in CZ/PL border area where both nations interact for centuries there are still many prejudices which prevent good neighborhood relations. We believe the education is the most powerfu…
Social inclusion | Community development

Dialogues: between sex work and prostitution.

Prostitution as violence against women or sex work as a legitimate of work? Disagreements about the nature of sex work permeate not only the public but also feminist groups, who strive to improve the…
Community development

Prague – the city for living!

The quality of life in Prague is decreasing due to poor governance. The project will strengthen and network civic initiatives, provide them with expert and legal support, create new information tools…

41 ideas found