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These are the winning ideas of 2021.

Social inclusion

Active citizen - the foundation of democracy

We want to increase the participation of the Roma in the processes of planning, managing, and monitoring the functioning of the municipality, which concerns the life and problems of the municipality …
Community development | Social inclusion

BEJVÁK - a place to meet UP

We want to provide an open inspirational space for all the social group. Together we will develop this place for lectures / exhibitions / regular themed cinemas etc. There is no space yet for meeting…
Social inclusion

Build bridges, not walls.

The public debate about gender (in)equalities is often offensive, emotional, and shrouded in myth, even at the highest official levels. Toxic masculinity and gender stereotypes harm men as well as wo…
Social inclusion | Community development

Dialogues: between sex work and prostitution.

Prostitution as violence against women or sex work as a legitimate of work? Disagreements about the nature of sex work permeate not only the public but also feminist groups, who strive to improve the…
Social inclusion

Digitalization Leading to Inclusion

The project will establish a digital centre, a safe space for all family. The centre will run digital education for adults and kids from disadvantaged backgrounds. The centre will provide Internet co…
Social inclusion | Community development

Everybody Needs SomeBuddy

Our goal is to empower migrants to become an engaged part of the civil society and to create a safe space where migrants and locals can meet each other, gain better mutual understanding, improve inte…
Social inclusion

Forgotten Kids

Kids of prisoners are hidden victims of their parent’s crime, lost in the system, forgotten. But their parent’s crime negatively influences their whole lives. MVS offers appropriate help to these kid…
Community development | Social inclusion

Fostering inclusive civic participation

This project aims at strengthening inclusive local participation through the means of intercultural counselling (individual) and direct support of a group of parents of migrant and bilingual children…
Community development | Social inclusion

Gender transparent comunication

Man and woman are unable to share and reflect them relationships stereotypes because they miss facilitated space and inner competences to speak about vulnerable issues, like parenthood care, politica…

21 ideas found