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All ideas | Civic Europe

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These are the winning ideas of 2021.

Education and research | Social inclusion

“Schools To Belong To”

The project aims to prevent segregation in primary schools in a district with historically diverse population where stereotyping and discrimination are ever-present. It attempts to create a common sp…
Community development | Social inclusion

Democratic Daylight after Turbulent Time (DDTT)!

City of Glina and surrounding villages were hardly hit by earthquake. About 5000 people, mostly elderly have been left without long-term help. Due to isolation, lack of knowledge and democratic proce…
Social inclusion


Intertwined wants to change the public perception of refugees as incapable outsiders. By creating a space where refugees and Greeks can meet, engage with each other and start a conversation, we will …
Health | Social inclusion

"Public Health Narratives"

Bringing together diverse people originating from host (Greek) and hosted (refugee and migrants) communities to discuss and exchange views, perceptions and knowledge on (public) health issues has a p…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Culture is the ability to build relationships

We want to set up a social forum of social activation. We focus on art & beauty understood as a tool for building relationships between people &man with nature. Practicing art & calligraphy, running…
Community development | Social inclusion

Let's empower wo(man)!

Municipality of Voćin is rural and underdeveloped area affected by the Homeland War (1991-1995); high level of depopulation, high number of men are working abroad while families stay at home, a highl…
Social inclusion

Another Disc Through The Wall

We are a bunch of different people that uses Ultimate frisbee so we can tackle: 1. Social inclusion - we are trying to get kids and people from minority groups and show them that in a team it does n…
(Social) Entrepreneurship | Social inclusion

Social eco-certified peri-urban farming

Food that we consume is now become less and less healthy due the the heavy use of pesticides. Food also often travels thousands of kilometers to reach our plates. In the meantime, there is available…
Social inclusion | Youth participation and empowerment

VOKS - Votes count!

Political activity is painfully low among young Hungarians, barely only radical movements and solutions can gain popularity among them. This situation, letting populist delegates dominate the electio…

482 ideas found