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All ideas | Civic Europe

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These are the winning ideas of 2021.

Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Investigative learning for the future

Children and youngsters with learning difficulties have significantly more problems with learning than their peers and are therefor many times left behind in the educational and later social or socie…
Social inclusion

Peer to peer social inclusion program

Our project aims to offer them and together with 10 volunteers of our organization (3 Slovenians and 7 migrants - some of them of Slovenian origin or from EU countries- and have successfully integrat…
Social inclusion

Micro Municipality Web Accessibility

About 15 % of Slovenia’s residents is disabled and the elderly population is rapidly rising. This is especially true for densely populated rural areas far from Slovenian urban centres. Pomurje repres…
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Realising one's identity naturally

Improving individual’s life can be of real help to the individual and the society as a whole only after a person realises one’s true self. Only realised individuals can play a vital role in a modern …
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion


In the last 5 years, native people and way of life are redundant to some EU leaders with big consequences. Big cities or main industry hubs centres dictate development that is in the mindset of gree…
Social inclusion | Community development

Rising Ptuj!

Communities of the town of Ptuj are disconnected and detached from identity links to town's past and its rich cultural history. This leads to disintegration of heritage, decline in the city's develop…
Social inclusion | Community development

Bridge for societies

There is a big lack of networking of associations in Slovenia. The project will connect all societies and provide them assistance at many points in their operation. Regardless of the main activity, i…
Social inclusion

Migation in the eyes of young people

Migration through south borders of Slovenia is a political question. Young people lack trustful information on the topic since they are objected to fake news, depending on the political options and (…
Social inclusion

Interchange for Social Progress

Antiziganism is hindering interculturalism & diversity in our cities. By intercultural learning & civic education we aim to mobilize public & local authorities for a better understanding of intercult…

40 ideas found