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Peer to peer social inclusion program | Civic Europe
Social inclusion

Peer to peer social inclusion program

For Venezuelan repatriates, Slovenian volunteers and migrant volunteers in Slovenia.


Who is behind this?

Belen Barragan

Zavod družba in kultura



Idea pitch

Our project aims to offer them and together with 10 volunteers of our organization (3 Slovenians and 7 migrants - some of them of Slovenian origin or from EU countries- and have successfully integrated into Slovenia - a social inclusion program that will empower repatriates and volunteers of our organization in 6 key competences: digital and technology-based competences, interpersonal skills, resilience, active citizenship, entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression.

Where will your project idea take place?

Mentoring in their own locations, spread throughout the country; seminars in Založe and in Ljubljana

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

To support and reinforce the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed by repatriates and Slovenian and migrant volunteers for personal fulfilment and development, employability, social inclusion and active citizenship as a way to help them one by one to co-create their own future and to have agency to influence their collective lives.

To impact and reactivate the field of civic participation in the local context by asking to a Hub -Accelerator company in our country to give some seminars about entrepreneurship, and help some of the refugees/volunteers to set and grow their own businesses.

Who are you doing it for?

For 50 Slovenian repatriates from Venezuela and for 10 volunteers of our organization.

How do you plan to get there?

For mentoring, language support and for accompanying them to local services we plan that each volunteer goes by car or public transport to repatriate’s location. For seminars we plan that repatriates go by public transport, or if they do not have good connections with public transport, we can manage to pick up them with the van and the car of our organization or hiring a bus.
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic evolution we can offer online tools and seminars to allow them continue their training and learning activities.

What are the expected results?

The goal is to teach repatriates how to “mentor” themselves, so that they can better analyze their own problems, regulate their own behaviors, independently set long-term and short-term goals and transfer those skills to others by mentoring their own children, communities, and networks.
The European ‘Skills Profile Tool’ will be used from the beginning till the end of the project to get a clear understanding of their skills, qualifications and experience in order to guide them towards training, help them into employment and making their skills more visible and to strengthening their ability to put those skills to good use in their new country.
70% participants would become employed or would start their own business by program exit.
70% participants would find permanent housing.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The purpose of this project is to bring together repatriates, Slovenian volunteers and migrant volunteers in order to promote a democratic culture of living in diversity, remaining open and tolerant towards different points of view and establishing a new welcome culture for repatriates and migrants.

Why is this idea important to you?

The repatriates are assisted by the state in finding temporary accommodation, in starting to learn Slovenian language and including 15 months financial aid those below the minimum income threshold. They are spread throughout the country and they most likely to get a job and permanent housing.
The government do not have a social inclusion program for them and there is a huge need of support their integration in Slovenia. They are isolated and fustrated because of language barriers and Covid-19 pandemic and as predicted that will be worse in the second wave in this Fall.
Belen, a diaspora migrant herself, is an excellent project manager and understand deeply the importance of social inclusion as well as the hidden needs of migrants.

€ 43000,-

Total budget

€ 43000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

1. Personnel costs 14000€
2. Travel and accommodation 8000€
3. Communication, evaluation, dissemination costs 8000€
4. Renting rooms for seminars and equipment 8000€
5. Linguistic support 5000€



Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on June 9, 2020

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