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All ideas | Civic Europe

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These are the winning ideas of 2021.

Social inclusion

Roma Voice 2021

We aim to make sure Roma voices are heard in the upcoming parliamentary election in 2021. The initiative will strive to ensure political committment towards the Roma community on behalf of people fro…

Quarteira Decides

3 neighbourhoods characterized by ethnic diversity, stigmatization, social conflicts, political polarization and distance from centres of power, will decide and implement the projects they consider m…
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment

Exploring Pathways to an Ecological Renaissance

Vukovar in Croatian means sacrifice, war memories, divided community tied up to the past. Past engulfs the present tightly as 2021 marks 30 years since the city fell. Mindful of unhealed wounds our…

Pre-election Civic Lobbying Accelerator

Peripheral regions exhibit the lowest voter turn-out (40 % in Karlovarský and Ústecký in 2017 general election). Citizens there often distrust parliamentary democracy and feel overlooked by politicia…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

EVERYONE’S OASIS. From being apart to being a part

Desert oases are a peaceful meeting place and a crossroads of cultures. The project aims to promote inclusiveness by fostering mutual exchange between different ethnic groups, with culture as a main …
Arts and cultural activities | Youth participation and empowerment

Danube Design Lab

In Ruse, deindustrialization has left the river detached from the city, while career and social opportunities for youth have diminished. The Danube Design Lab empowers socially excluded youth to chan…
Environment and sustainability

Blue Sky

Building a station to measure air quality, creating a website and a Facebook page to inform the citizens about the air quality in the neighbourhood close the factory. The site and the Facebook page w…
Human rights | Social inclusion

Women for Women - W4W

W4W is about giving voice and empowering women who have experienced homelessness and are in the process of recovery. They want to support other women who are now in a homeless situation, by creating …
Social inclusion | Community development

Miskolc shall be a place for everyone!

Miskolc city has a large Roma population, about 30 000 Roma (definite data is not available). About 70% live in segregated, peripheral districts; around one-third of them are not registered residents…

71 ideas found