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Youth generators-From destruction to re(dis)covery | Civic Europe
Community development

Youth generators-From destruction to re(dis)covery

A program that encourages the engagement of young people in re(dis)covering their local community. Think global and act local.


Who is behind this?

Gorana Pocrnja



Who is joining forces?

European house Slavonski brod


Centar za razvoj talenata Talent za tebe


Korablja and our partners have long term experience in the field of developing communities, involving vulnerable groups, providing education to youth and strengthening democracy in civic society.


Idea pitch

This year-long project aims to create conditions that will enable youth from Sisak - Moslavina county to discover and fulfill their potential within the local communities. This will be achieved by reaching out to youth with different backgrounds, by including them in non-formal education activities, by giving them a chance to express their needs and engage in structural dialogue, and by providing them with meaningful participation chances in planning and management of their living environment.

Where will your project idea take place?

Croatia, Sisak-Moslavina county, city Glina, village Trnovac Glinski, traditional old wooden estate.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Sisak-Moslavina County is the poorest region in Croatia suffering in social, economical and ecological domains. 1.Some of the social issues young people face are deeply rooted divisions between Croats and Serbs, strong depopulation, isolation, brain drain, lack of sport, leisure, education and culture opportunities, passivity and exclusion of vulnerable groups. 2.Economic issues are poor transport connections, high rates of unemployment, devastated industry and lack of entrepreneurial initiatives. 3.Ecological issues they face are deforestation, drying of water sources, loss of biodiversity and underdeveloped ecological agriculture. Due to this, they are in less favorable positions than other young people from other parts of Croatia and Europe.

Who are you doing it for?

The project direct beneficiaries will be 12 young people, aged between 16 - 35. We will try to have a gender and culturally balanced group with multi-ethnic backgrounds - most Croats and Serbs. We will involve young people that are outside of the educational system, unemployed and from isolated places.
Indirectly, through implementing common initiatives and ideas that the young people will develop together, the project will have a great impact on their families, friends, youth groups, NGOs, elderly, migrants, other young people, sexual minority groups, local authorities and the whole local community.
Persons with disabilities (20 of them), informal local groups of youth, local authorities (8 representatives), and educators (10) will be an active part of the project's learning process.

How do you plan to get there?

In view of achieving the project’s objectives, following activities will be implemented:
Preparatory phase:selection of the participants, raising the visibility of the project action, creation of social media communication channels, development of the project communication plan
Implementation phase: Organize of 4 capacity building trainings (5 days each), forming of 4 local action teams for implementation of the common local youth initiatives, setting up the mentor network that will support the youth in the process of implementation of their individual actions, weekly consultations with the youth leaders mentoring theirs personal projects
Multiplication and evaluation phase:setting up the non formal network of local supporters, presentation of the project results at the public event.

What are the expected results?

Results of realization of our idea will be:Raised awareness of general public of the rural youth issues and of possible solutions
Developed and strengthened competencies (on emotional,intellectual and practical level) of individuals, Korablja and local community
4 youth initiatives implemented under mentorship of Korablja.Those projects will generate and accelerate local developmental processes of solidarity,subsidiarity and participation which will increase democracy (new ecological farms,conciliation activities between Croats and Serbs,innovative approaches in solving the local issues).
Development of local informal network of supports to ensure the sustainability of the action
Beneficiaries of the project will be in a more favorable position for personal and community development

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

By raising young peoples’ civic, intercultural, social, ecological and entrepreneurial competencies and by providing them with meaningful participation chances in planning and management of their lives, they will become active citizens and initiators of change in their surroundings.
With the different set of workshops young people will build trust amongst each other, gain knowledge about EU, its institutions, funds, social entrepreneurship, eco farming, afforestation and how to become active citizens and by developing and initiating common local projects they will not only act as witnesses and multipliers of further successful reconciliation but will also gain first hand experiences in the basics of project writing, social entrepreneurship and sustainable development.

Why is this idea important to you?

While organizing the activities, we have recognized the motivation and great need of the youth of Sisak Moslavina County. With this action we wish to initiate change and would like to help youth to find their potential and use them to build democratic society by providing them with meaningful participation chances in planning and management of their communities.
Korabljas’ goal is to change and improve ourselves and the environment in order to raise quality of life of the society as a whole. The mission of organization is to build bridges toward others. With this project, we plan to reach out outside of our community and to give a positive example to others, although different, how to connect with each other and build trust, which can cause a lot of good changes for the whole society.

€ 73000,-

Total budget

€ 49000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

travel and accommodation 13000 EUR
personnel costs 19000 EUR
trainers and educators 9000 EUR
office expenses 2000 EUR
Public relation and events 1000 EUR
Publication 1000 EUR
video making 4000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We expect to be boosted by experience and knowledge of other community members and also we expect critical and constructive advice from them. We would like to hear and get connected with similar and successful stories that would encourage us in our actions.





Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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