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VaLiD - Valuable Life Designers | Civic Europe
Community development

VaLiD - Valuable Life Designers

Close the "hotel mama" door behind you!


Who is behind this?

Orsolya Kolosi Csaszlovszkyné

Egyesek Youth Association



Idea pitch

"Booster program" for young adults struggling with quarterlife crisis. We want to help for unemployed young people or want a career change to find their new path.
Our plan is to support their development with trainings, workshops, coaching and mentoring. It will develop their competences that enable them to organize and manage their own lives. We plan to create a community space where young people receive tailor-made support based on their needs. Our program would be unique in Hungary.

Where will your project idea take place?

North-Hungary, Nograd county, Szécsény

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The quarterlife crisis is an outstanding problem for people in their twenties in North-Hungary. They come out of college and have to face with the fact, that they have no status. Young people face the threat of unemployment and insecurity without any transition after the security of university life.
They often have impossible expectations about their future work and unrealistic ideas about their life. The tasks and expectations to fulfil seem to be so overwhelming that they have difficulties to plan, prioritize and start doing. Adult life is too complicated and too complex for them and they feel a constant compulsion to make decisions.
There is no specific place where they could turn support.

Who are you doing it for?

Our main target group is young people age between 23-30, who are lost in the transition towards adult life.
They experience insecurity every day, There is an enormous pressure on them.. Even if they have a good job, it comes with the expectation of being in top shape all the time and the media also suggests that we need to be a star in our own field, as others are also successful, beautiful, rich and carefree. This is why they feel that they have not reach anything yet in their life.
Those who have chosen passivity are not able to start their career following the path of social expectations. This group is not even trying to participate in the scramble of the labour market. They choose passivity and do not know what kind of career they should choose.

How do you plan to get there?

We plan to create a community space where young people receive support to start living independently. First step is to buy and renovate the building that will give the space. There is one in Szécsény that is available and checked by us already. Professional staff, including trainers, peer educators and coaches are available. We need to recruit mentors and facilitators. Online platforms, websites, marketing need to be established.

Our empowering program includes:
• Trainings
- self-knowledge
- communicational
• coaching
- life coaching
- career coaching
• Workshops
- Design thinking
- Objective
- CV writing in English and Hungarian language
- Job interview simulation
• Information days on volunteering at home and in the EU
- Mentoring
- Meeting

What are the expected results?

Participants who overwork themselves will be able to measure their own progress and not continue to have excessive expectations of themselves. Those who used to choose a profession based on family expectations but do not like their work, should be able to find what they could do with passion, what they would enjoy. Furthermore, we want to ensure that hotel-mama residents who choose passivity, to gain enough confidence and take responsibility for their future. We expect that by having a physical space and regular activities by professional youth workers, a community of young people facing similar issues will be created. A peer support group that gives the feeling that they are not alone with their anxieties, is very powerful and accountable future generation in Hungary.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The greatest cohesion strength of our organization lies in our common values. Examples of such values are self-esteem, self-confidence, respect for myself and others, social sensitivity and responsibility, openness, long-term thinking, responsibility for future generations, proactive community action, solidarity. We believe that by implementing the project we can pass on these values to young people looking for their way.
Entrepreneurship in a broader sense is the ability to turn ideas into action. We will convey this to them in order to make them feel confident in today's knowledge-based economy and society and help them to become a part of it.
The person who feels empowered to initiate, will feel the need and power to stand up for social cohesion and sustainable society

Why is this idea important to you?

In recent years, I have been involved in adult education. I found that participants could be divided into 2 large groups. Some of them have no idea about their future, they see the course as essentially a time waster. The members of the other group get their many degrees because their original idea was disappointing.
We provided them mainly professional knowledge, which proved to be little without the development of communication, social and civic competences. In order to change this we want to create the space and give the empowerment that is missing at the moment.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Buying buliding and renovating: 30000

Material and office: 1000

Trainers, coaches, mentors: 10000

Staff – 8000

Digital platforms for communication, website: 1000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to receive mentoring, publicity and funding from Civic Europe to carry out our project and to promote our civic activities in the region. The implementation of the project would be beneficial, as it is intended to solve the problem of Generation Y. They will build the future.



Idea created on May 10, 2020
Last edit on May 25, 2020

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