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Ubuntu Leaders Academy | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Youth participation and empowerment

Ubuntu Leaders Academy


Who is behind this?


IPAV - Instituto Padre António Vieira



Idea pitch

The Ubuntu Leaders Academy is an intervention that aims to respond to the social problem of lack of participation and sense of belonging of young people from vulnerable contexts, through the development of socioemotional skills developed in the pillars of the Ubuntu method.
The project will support the organization of a training edition for new trainers (educators, community mediators, etc.) motivated to replicate the methodology in their contexts and an edition for young adults (18-35 years).

Where will your project idea take place?

Metropolitan area of Lisbon.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The metropolitan area of Lisbon has a large number of social, territorial and citizen involvement challenges, typical of an area with very different scenarios in terms of income, housing, opportunities and access for citizens.
The young population in this area, especially in the most vulnerable contexts, is deeply affected by a deficient sense of belonging, the creation of networks of trust and civic awareness, which promotes dialogue and community involvement. Therefore, new approaches must be identified and mechanisms activated so that their role and social and community involvement are more valued and relevant. This will be done based on a positive leadership methodology and the development of socio-emotional competence.

Who are you doing it for?

This intervention is aimed at young people between 18 and 35 years old, coming from contexts exposed to dynamics of exclusion and, therefore, lack of civic awareness, particularly from the metropolitan area of ​​Lisbon.
It is also aimed at adult citizens with intervention with young people who want to make the process of discovering their meaning and purpose, valuing their socio-emotional and leadership skills at the service of building bridges, so they can be more fulfilled and happy people , be better citizens and help others to be so.
From this intervention, a broader influence of the intervention is expected from a community and institutional point of view, particularly in the contexts of life of the young people participating in the initiative, namely in their communities.

How do you plan to get there?

The action will have two major activities:
1. Ubuntu Leaders Academy - young adults and adults (training new trainers)
This model will be the first training cycle and will take place over five months (one weekend per month of training). 5 residential seminars will be developed, following five themes: 1st Leading like Mandela; 2nd Building Bridges; 3rd Overcoming Obstacles; 4th Ubuntu Lives; 5th I Have a Dream.
This program is concentrated on one day (Saturday) and on the second (Sunday), a meta-reflection is carried out on what has been experienced, and everyone is invited to reflect on their role as future replicators of the methodology in other contexts.

1. Ubuntu Leaders Academy - Youth
This model will be the second training cycle of the year, with previously trained trainers, and will also take place in five months (one weekend per month).
It will have the same model of thematic seminars, which work with the various socio-emotional skills on which the Ubuntu methodology is based.

In both models, and at each seminar, socioemotional skills are developed and worked through the valuation of life stories (personal storytelling), the proposal of various relational dynamics, films and videos that encourage reflection, but also with visits and inspiring guests for your life story.
This format has been tested with great adherence from the participants.

What are the expected results?

This action proposal aims to create a positive social impact in the training of young people to be servant leaders and bridge builders in their communities, based on the promotion of an ethics of care (with themselves, with their peers and with the world) and a greater civic awareness. This will be done through the transformation of beliefs, attitudes and behaviors, starting from, ultimately, the promotion and restoration of human dignity.
Directly, 50 young people and 50 new Ubuntu trainers will be reached. After these training actions, more young people, organizations and communities will be impacted.
This objective is very relevant, as it is based on a systemic, holistic and structured intervention of the personal development of each participant.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Based on a non-formal education approach, with a focus on a participatory, experiential and relational perspective, this action will help to reinforce citizen awareness, participation and social involvement. From the Ubuntu method - particularly the development of socio-emotional skills, pedagogical resources, reference models and the personal storytelling axis, education for citizenship and civic education will be worked through the Ubuntu philosophy, calling for for this, the participants as central elements of this development process. These are, then, in their context and community, the key actors of transformation, assuming the role of bridge builders wherever they are called to intervene. This training model will also bring positive changes in the communities and institutions part.

Why is this idea important to you?

The team responsible for the implementation of this project is the IPAV team, with over ten years of experience in project management and in training young people from vulnerable situations.
Since 2010, IPAV has been developing and consolidating social innovation projects, focusing its activity around projects that are distinguished by being associated with two essential and innovative concepts.
The Ubuntu Academy of Leaders already has a recognized and experienced methodology, not only in Portugal but in 16 other countries, and has worked with young people from more than 55 countries. It has already impacted more than 10,000 people and the animation of this Ubuntu community, in Portugal and in the world, is one of the responsibilities of the IPAV team.

€ 295022,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Human Resources // 12.500€
External training // 2,500€
Accommodation and food // 11.500@
Travel // 3.500€



Idea created on April 23, 2021

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