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Together we can save the future! | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability

Together we can save the future!

We want to actively support the cooperation of small local non-profits, unregistered groups and individuals working on local adaptation of the landscape.


Who is behind this?

Jan Nekovář

National Institute for an Integrated Landscape Czech Republic

Czech Republic


Idea pitch

In the small villages of our agricultural region, life still runs normally. Regardless of ongoing climate change. However, there are small groups or individuals who are pushing for small changes. However, they are fragmented, do not know about each other and cooperate little. We want to create a community map where they will inform about their small projects and thus know about themselves. We will actively support their interconnection and inform about their efforts on social networks.

Where will your project idea take place?

Czech, Kraj Vysočina

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The Vysočina region is a classic agricultural region. Adaptation to climate change is thus a rather unpopular topic, which deprives traditional industrial farmers of short-term income opportunities. They thus prevent adaptation measures or slow down their enforcement. This creates a contradiction between the new and the old approach, which may cause a split in society in the future. However, both groups live in the same country, so both groups need to find agreement and inspire each other that small local changes can bring a sustainable future. The way to the future is possible only in common cooperation and mutual understanding.

Who are you doing it for?

1st level Small groups and individuals who implement adaptation measures in the landscape.
2nd level Landowners who need inspiration and can act as managers of their property (farmers)
3rd level Industrial farmers who need inspiration and a greater understanding of adaptation issues
4th level Local self-government that needs to perceive the interest of citizens and the results that can be achieved by small projects in the landscape

How do you plan to get there?

Our approach is based on simple consideration. Let us know about you, unite in your efforts and inspire each other that it works and there is nothing to fear.
1. Create a community map and an accompanying website that describes the meaning of the map and will be supplemented with educational content: "How to find common ground".
2. Create the first 50 places on the community map
3. Launch a campaign on social networks: "Share your climate adaptation successes and failures"
4. Create inspiring reports from the given places, where mutual cooperation between the active citizen and the farmer is supported
5. Run a campaign on social networks: "Get inspired! Collaborate on climate adaptation".
6. We will actively search for engaged citizens in selected localities and support their interconnection. At the same time, we will draw their attention to the ongoing subsidy support and campaigns of large national non-profits.
7. We will inform the local administration in the selected localities about the development of their climate adaptation through small projects.
8. In selected localities, we will draw the attention of local schools to adaptation activities and support their involvement in the process.
9. On an ongoing basis, we will issue a report every quarter on the status of small local adaptation measures implemented by citizens.

What are the expected results?

Small local groups and individuals will work together to create a stronger voice in their region that will inspire others to do the same.
Demonstrations of mutual cooperation will help traditional farmers reduce their fears of coming changes and become more involved in the climate of adaptation measures across different agricultural regions.
Landowners will start to think more responsibly about their land as part of the whole ecosystem, which benefits not only the owner's earnings but also society.
Local governments will take these activities more seriously and involve active citizens in decision-making processes. Their negative impact on climate vulnerability will be reduced.
There will be an increase in places where small climate adaptation measures will be implemented.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We will support the activities of small authors of changes, join their efforts and show the results of their activities. Thanks to examples of mutual cooperation, we will motivate others that it is possible to cooperate with each other, even if it seems at first glance that it will not work. We expect more actors to be added to help with the changes.
Thanks to the promotion of joint efforts and active communication with the local administration, we will promote the voices of active citizens in the locality. Inspire that collaboration makes sense and delivers results.
Thanks to the unification of efforts, activities in the field of climate and landscape adaptation will increase, which will bring better prospects for the future to all citizens living in the region.

Why is this idea important to you?

Jan and Alena Nekovářová are the core of the team. 9 years ago, they moved to the countryside and watched the situation in nature deteriorate. 3 years ago, they founded NUIK, put together a local team and together began to develop activities in climate adaptation. L. Hovorková, a private farmer, M. Kačer, an environmental officer, and others are working on sustainability. We live in the countryside. We want to keep it for our children and pass on our ideas and experiences to others. We feel a strong need to create a platform that will help us unite and find common ground with industrial farmers and local government. We live in the landscape together.

€ 38700,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

13,000 Personnel costs for 12 months
18,000 Campaign for 12 months
2,500 Operation Community map for 12 months
2,200 Website production
3,000 Transportation & Accomondation for 12 months

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like feedback on our idea.
We are interested in the experience of climate adaptations within your locality.
After testing in the Czech Republic, we plan to launch our community map in other EU countries as well. Do you think this will be useful?


Idea created on April 26, 2021

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