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Tinkering for the future | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability, Community development

Tinkering for the future

Bring together education and social innovation to empower the citizens of tomorrow.


Who is behind this?

Marta Cabrera

Tinkering Fuerteventura


Who is joining forces?

Aula3i - Marta Cabrera


Aula STEAM - PaolaGuimerans


We would request the participation of Fuerteventura local government institutions as partners and funders. When the project was a reality more collectives in the island will want to participate.


Idea pitch

This project aimed to stimulate the bottom-up maker education movement to the families by introducing them to the practices of maker education through a “Tinkering Toolkit” and its use for the development of UNO Sustainable Development Goals 2030. Focusing on the positive qualities every family has, we seek to provide equality of opportunity in educational and anti-discriminator practice, ensuring every family is included an not have disadvantaged because of ethnicity, culture or religion.

Where will your project idea take place?

Fuerteventura island , Canary Islands, outermost region in UE.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Due to COVID-19's and their impact in the Island, we intended to give knowledge and maker and tinkering skills to kids and their families.
The island bases its economy on monoculture tourism, a sector very affected by the current pandemic, so that a high percentage of its population is currently in uncertainty about the possible recovery of their jobs. The main challenge for the island is to undertake this change towards a new economic development by increasing its knowledge and its tolerance towards decrease and sustainable development according to SDG 2030, promoting new economic sectors, mainly the primary sector, sustainable tourism and the knowledge industry.
Promote democratic culture through participation and sharing among the diversity of families, to increase tolerance.

Who are you doing it for?

The concept of humanistic technology, at the service of society and for its improvement, give the opportunity to n the challenges that the island faces after this crisis.

Our target audience will be families with their kids between 8 and 10 years old. Undertaking this project aimed at children of these ages allows access to the family nucleus and promotes family analysis and conscious of the proposed challenges, the importance of change and tolerance, as well as critical thinking in the use of ICT.

On the island the school population of these ages is 1800 students. Estimating an average of four people in the family unit, the project would directly reach about 5000 people, although the scope due to the media diffusion can be bigger.

How do you plan to get there?

We are planning to create an online platform with resources and information. Also, we will provide families a Toolkit that supports a whole approach to innovation. The Structure of the Project Plan:
- Active participation of educational centers and telecentres
- Media outreach for the participation of families through educational centers and telecentros.
- Challenges proposal for sustainable local development and the use of technology to improve society, with online support and training in the use of “Tinkering Toolkit”
- Local meetings due to the dispersion of the population on the island to share project ideas and promote communication. Creation of zone family committees for local organization
- Final insular meeting of projects exhibition

What are the expected results?

After this work in the family units, the equal opportunities that ICTs can offer, the importance of diversity, and of sharing opinions and points of view in the development of projects, as well as critical thinking and tolerance towards different points of view. This capacity will allow us to face from another perspective more open and with new ways of thinking the economic challenges that the island faces after the crisis caused by the pandemic.

Training in the use of ICT enhances equal opportunities in access to education and plural information, which are the basis of a civic and democratic conscience.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Democratizing maker education and empowering families to shape their world is crucial to make them aware of future technological or sustainability issues. Promoting family participation is fundamental.

Training in the use of ICT enhances equal opportunities in access to education and plural information, which are the basis of civic and democratic awareness.

Being aware of the island's problems and participating in the design of solutions linked to sustainable development opens the points of view of the participants and increases their social participation and tolerance.

Why is this idea important to you?

Undertaking this project aimed at children of these ages allows access to the family nucleus and promotes family analysis and conscious of the proposed challenges, the importance of change and tolerance, as well as critical thinking in the use of ICT.

The concept of humanistic technology, at the service of society and for its improvement, give the opportunity to n the challenges that the island faces after this crisis.

On the island the school population of these ages is 1800 students. Estimating an average of four people in the family unit, the project would directly reach about 7000 people, although the scope due to the media diffusion can be bigger.

€ 47400,-

Total budget

€ 47400,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Promotion and communications in local media: € 1,000
Personal costs: Trainers and Revitalizers for families training : € 24,200
Experts collaboration including travel cost and manutention: € 2,500
Administrative services or equipments: € 1,000
“Tinkering Toolkit” for 1200 families: € 13.200
Local family meetings organization (north, south, center and capital): € 3000
Final exposition meeting organization: € 2500
We will try to involucrate the local government institutions for fund.

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Comments, critics and improve proposals for the project.


STEAM Fuerteventura

Paola Guimerans

Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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