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The wind of change | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability

The wind of change


Who is behind this?

Lovorka Šimunec

Hrvatska Škola Outward Bound


Who is joining forces?






Idea pitch

Young adults from rural in Croatia and especially those with fewer opportunities are facing lack of opportunities and skills for developing their own local community while in the same time, living in a place of great natural resources and potential for sustainable development. We want engage them in activities of sailing and educational workshops, like beach clean up’s on Island of Lošinj, in order to challenge them about environmental issues and encourage new ideas for their local communities.

Where will your project idea take place?

Island Mali Lošinj, Croatia.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Participants in the project are young adults (16-19 yrs) that are coming from rural areas of Croatia. Because of weak infrastructures and support in local community, they are lacking information about youth-related issues and initiatives, as well about opportunities, when decision making and views of youth are neither solicited nor considered. This puts our target group in a position of insufficient understanding of democratic processes and active engagement in local community. Island of Lošinj is an island with well-developed transport, communal and energy infrastructure, but is still suffering from lack of opportunities for youth. With the project we are hoping to raise opportunities for the sustainable development of their local community.

Who are you doing it for?

Our participants are young adults (16-19 yrs) coming from the background with fewer opportunities and young adults from rural and island communities. The idea is to give them tools and skills that will encourage them to take actions in their local community based on sustainable development. 24 participants will be divided in 4 groups by 6. They will influence the local environment by actively being involved in beach clean ups. This way, local pupils and tourists will be able to enjoy clean coast, and participants will be able to learn and act responsibly in the environment. Participants will also be able to finish sailing school and attain licence that could increase their opportunities for the future employment.

How do you plan to get there?

1. Sailing – participants will be lead by professionals of SJK Elmar to sailing boats where they will learn about basic principles of sailing and seafaring skills.
2. Cleaning beaches – team of project partners will be leading participants in beach clean ups, collecting trash and sorting it, then delivering it to recycling yard.
3. Education - young people will be encouraged to maximize engagement in teams, couples and independently. After 6 days education young people will independently prepare and design their own project, which (with advice, help and mentorship of the Bioteka team) will teach them how to solve environmental problems.

What are the expected results?

Bay of Mrtvaška, Pećina, Vinikova, Porat from Trasorke, Bočina i Jamna will be cleand of trash.
24 participants with fewer opportunities will attain licence for skippers that will ensure them skills for better employability in future. As skippers, they will be able to advocate for the protection of local environment with tourist and locals.
2 Eco youth groups established
Online mentioning for Eco groups will be developed.
24 teenagers from rural communities will attain skills in leadership, active citizenship and democracy building.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

In order to enable the youth participation in rural communities, we will be encouraging participants from different local communities to intervene in local community by joining sailing school on Island of Lošinj and engage in activities of beach clean up’s and eco - educational workshops. Special attention will be given to social and environmental responsibility and the impact one's actions can have on a group and society as a whole. Learning through experience, challenge and adventure in a supportive environment results in character development, leadership and participation. Getting involved in local community activities boosts teenagers’ confidence and self-esteem that will encourage them to influence decision making process in their local communities.

Why is this idea important to you?

The main field of activity is organisation and implementation of innovative outdoor programs for school children and youth, with special concern to youth with fewer opportunities, like children from struggling families and so on. Knowing both, needs of children we worked with previously, and the state of pollution on Croatian coast, we want to challenge the weakest to encourage to make the change for their future. Learning through experience, challenge and adventure in a supportive environment we are hoping to foster resilience in children who are not seen or heard, as well as activate them to advocate for them self and know what is worth fighting.

€ 41688,-

Total budget

€ 41688,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Project management 11,000 €
Education personnel 12,200 €
Service provider: (bus, ferry, sailing boats, insurance) 8,820 €
Food and educational materials for participants: 9,128 €
Promotional materials: 540 €

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Some ideas/topics for the evening circle discussions with participants during the program.


Outward Bound Croatia


Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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