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The New Generation of Successful Roma | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Community development

The New Generation of Successful Roma


Who is behind this?

Miroslav Oláh

The New Generation of Successful Roma



Idea pitch

The New Generation of Successful Roma is a community whose purpose is to eliminate prejudices so that we want to educate "elite leaders." We develop, support and mentor to succeed in education, business, sport or art. With global perspective and a family atmosphere.

Where will your project idea take place?

In Southern Slovakia.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The Roma people living in Southern Slovakia are in a special and extreme situation. Because they were forced into a double minority 100 years ago. After 100 years this Hungarian community has been living with strong cultural-social and even political publicity. While the Hungarian Roma people living here have to face the same difficulties as their Roma counterparts in other countries. They are one of the poorest, badly educated and most discriminated ethnic minorities in South Slovakia when it comes to education and work opportunities. Perhaps these discriminatory treatments are not so direct but rather hidden. This is also due to the fact that the Hungarians living here also perceive their secondary role in a Slovak society.

Who are you doing it for?

The strategy aims at forming inclusive, multi-ethnic and multicultural communities and emphasizes the reconciliation of conflicting groups and healing the wounds of ethnic conflicts. In pursuing these goals different activities are carried out on a levels.
Seminars and activities about Romology help Roma to develop a positive Roma identity and non-Roma to understand the culture, motivation and behaviour of their Roma brothers and sisters. This understanding leads to a breakdown of fear and to a willingness to take part in shared activities.

How do you plan to get there?

I have networked people who could work together right away. I have been working in this southern part of Slovakia for a long time, who are civic engaged.

What are the expected results?

We believe that active participation of youth generation in our program will give them more knowledge, more interest in democratic values and also will help motivate them for higher education and reasonable life goals. We particularly want to highlight each one’s responsibility for his / her faith and future and the possibilities that are nowadays reachable, against the previous period. By showing the interest of young generation of Roma in the history of our nation and we also want to increase the good relationship between Roma and Majority.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The visions of Roma families should be integrated in improving the skills of their children. However, Roma families have to be involved from the problem analysis phase to the project evaluation in order that they can phrase their needs, priorities and methods to achieve that. This is the key to sustainability of any project. The new platform, which provides a base for common occasions and a new interface conection.

Why is this idea important to you?

I have a vision that has nothing to do with my ethnic background. During life, I would like to change two things. First, I want to show to my own community that our background is not a reason to not want to be successful. I want to change the self-image of Roma and be a role model to those who believe they can only do as well as their parents or grandparents. And second, I want to influence the prejudice against Roma as a group of criminal people whose culture doesn’t deserve respect and consideration. If I suceed in having great education and work hard, I believe I can change how we feel about ourselves as well as how others treat us.

€ 42000,-

Total budget

€ 42000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personel costs: coordinator 12000 eur. (full-time)
Personel costs: program officer 3600 eur. (half-time)
Travel, catering, accommondation, meeting, networking, presentation, formal and informal debates, cultural and social events, material for activities costs: 12000 eur.
Motivation coach, mentors, communications trainer, teachers, instructors, lectuers costs: 12000 eur.
Public relations: 1200 eur.
Office expenses: 1200 eur.

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

I would be intereseted leader building for youth,


Miroslav Oláh

Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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