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The language of the Gypsies | Civic Europe
Human rights, Social inclusion

The language of the Gypsies

The main actions regarding non-discrimination will be right from the start of the company where we will hire people at high risk of discrimination (Roma, people from the placement center). We will off


Who is behind this?

Who is joining forces?



Idea pitch

A priority issue of the enterprise aims at integrating Gypsi people in society and reducing the risk of discrimination. to integrate and have a normal life.
The main cause of this social custom is the fact that the Gypsi live in large communities and do not want to make efforts to overcome their human condition and get out in this vicious circle.This we do not want to offer for rent a decent house with utilities and agricultural land for him.

Where will your project idea take place?

Salaj , Northwest

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The company aims to rent uninhabited houses for gypsy families and to support children for school attendance and their inclusion in society and finding a job for the elderly.

Who are you doing it for?

In our commune there are 70 gypsy students who do not attend school, and over 300 citizens with permanent residence.
We want to find a decent home for every family and support them to integrate into the community and find a job.

How do you plan to get there?

If you are a Roma child and live in Romania nowadays, the possibility that you were born poor is three times higher than that of other Romanians living in the same neighborhood as you. You will probably grow up in an overcrowded house or in a suburb, you will probably not complete your schooling and you will probably not even find a job. Your life expectancy is at least six years lower than that of your non-Roma neighbors.

Understanding that inequality starts at birth and then manifests itself at every stage of life for most Roma living in Romania today is a fundamental theme of the "common prosperity" agenda, which shows that there is a need to develop programs, public policies and initiatives to support more comprehensive approaches to Roma social inclusion.

To address this need, the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and the Elderly has worked with the World Bank - on the basis of a Consulting Services Agreement (SAR) - to draw up a report with an integrated approach on the duration of the "life cycle". . The diagnostic and consultancy study for policies to support Roma inclusion in Romania investigates the social and economic barriers that most Roma face throughout their lives.
We want to have a long-term project to help gypsies integrate into society.

What are the expected results?

At the end of the project we want the gypsy family to live in decent houses and to be included and accepted by society.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

In simpler words: Roma inclusion is not only morally correct, but also economically motivated.
The survey data indicates that just over 37% of the Romanian population in Romania is now 15 years old, which is a clear contrast to the rest of Romanians, as Romania faces demographic challenges and its population is in aging course. The social inclusion of the Roma is of critical importance in helping the country to meet the challenges it faces and a key element is also needed to capitalize on an economic potential that has not been exploited before. It is estimated that equalizing Roma earning opportunities in Romania could generate annual economic gains of between € 887 million and € 2.9 billion.

Why is this idea important to you?

The team consists of the mayor of the localities and a teacher who lives near them.
The mayor has been coordinating them for a long time and the teacher is the spiritual leader of the gypsies

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

housing rent- 24000
qualification courses- 4000
public relations- 3000 EUR
travel and acomodation -2000
personal cost -2000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

I would like to receive advice on how to improve the project as well as feedback on how I should proceed.



Idea created on April 24, 2021

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