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The first standardized data sets in Romania | Civic Europe

The first standardized data sets in Romania

Standardizing the data sets of the public administration


Who is behind this?

Dan Bugariu

Smart City Association


Who is joining forces?






Idea pitch

Every public entity runs on it's own terms with their own data types.
The public entities in Romania are not connected enough with their data and that takes a toll on the inefficiency of the public administration and on the amount of time the citizen spends doing administrative work.
We want to create the first data sets, a list of data that should be accepted by public entities in order to re-shape the collaborative nature between public entities and create an oportunity for open data.

Where will your project idea take place?

Timisoara, West Romania

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

A better public administration and citizen involvement through data standardization, opening up Romania to a wave of new tech solutions and the community around the technology within public administration.

Who are you doing it for?

We want to impact the administrative bodies within Romania and as a result the citizens of Romania

How do you plan to get there?

1. Public dialogue with administrative bodies, exprts, academia and citizen with regards to the most pressing first data sets;
2. Bringing the stakeholders at the same table in order to decide on what the most important standardized data sets are;
3. Offering support for the implementation of those standardized data sets within administrative bodies
4. Marketing the data sets and educating the public;

What are the expected results?

The results are:
1. The first standardized data sets agreed upon by the administrative bodies;
2. The start of the implementation of those data sets within administrative bodies;
3. A more informed public with regards to what open data means and why the standardization of public data is important;

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

When we open the data standards to the public we offer capability to the citizen, we empower the citizenship of that state to be more informed, more able, more prepared and more engaged with the guvernamental decision making.

Why is this idea important to you?

Dan Bugariu - Founder of SmartCity with a background in tech, open data, and 10+ years of smart city experience
Denis Pk - Public administration law expertise, experience working in governmental bodies
Adriana Moima - Over 15 years of Project Management experience
Andrei Dodea - Expertise in digitalization

It is highly important for us to develop a more transparent and more capable administrative body. We belive everyone wins when the administrative bodies get better, more standardized, better connected within it's initatives and it's data is open to the public.

€ 80000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personal 15.000 EUR
Experti 20.000 EUR
Platforma 30.000 EUR
Echipamente 5.000 EUR
Marketing 5.000 EUR
Administrative 5.000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We want to create the first data sets, a list of data that should be accepted by public entities in order to re-shape the collaborative nature between public entities and create an oportunity for citizen inveolvemnt give the open data created by the stanrdardization.





Denis PK

Idea created on April 26, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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