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Step2inclusion | Civic Europe
Human rights, Social inclusion


Create conditions for people to take their first step on the path to their active citizenship, becoming more informed and aware of their importance in the community – social inclusion


Who is behind this?

Joana Vilela

CAIS - Associação de Solidariedade Social



Idea pitch

The aim of the project is to promote social inclusion through personal, social, professional and digital empowerment of economic and socially disadvantaged group.
It’s divided into soft skills, digital and technical training and active citizenship. Create awareness between the society and training volunteers to act as mentors of the target group. Bring to discussion companies, policy makers and think about new ways to increase participation and social inclusion.

Where will your project idea take place?

Lisbon, Portugal with a higher incidence in Marvila parish

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

We want to tackle the social exclusion of people considering three main ways: tackling disinformation, combating unemployment and lack of opportunities, improving the personal, social and digital skills of the target population.
Unemployment is the tip of the iceberg, at the bottom there is low schooling, few financial resources, lack of information on how to look for a job, lack of digital skills and weak literacy. To add we have the misinformation on how to enforce their rights and duties and so many other social conditions.
All this creates a little participation in its community which increases its distancing from the discussion of important issues to society and prevents them from making conscious decisions and contributing with their opinion on the same issues.

Who are you doing it for?

The project has as its priority target a group of people who are in a situation of social exclusion, supported by CAIS and other social partners. They are people with low school qualifications, without a job, some without housing, with limited resources and with evidence of enormous difficulty and low probability of social reintegration, without monitoring or support in this regard.
They are people with poor literacy skills, who have other social conditions such as: single mothers or single-parent family, NEET young people, long-term unemployed, large families, beneficiaries of social support, ex drug addicts, homelessness, distructured families and former inmates.

How do you plan to get there?

We value the methodology of non-formal education. The removal from the use of formal content and methodologies pathways based on the tools of non-formal education makes the participation more active and experiential, creating informal learning environments and skills acquisition.
The present project, arise from a combination of an auscultation of needs with beneficiaries, social and companies:
Weekly sessions of personal and social development activities
Sessions of digital citizenship: aimed at the general population of CAIS. People will have access to computer equipment and information on how to access social services digitally Training and employability bootcamps: soft skills, emotional intelligence, participation and citizenship and employability.
Internships: training of technical skills and (re) approximation to the labor market, creation of routines.
Sessions with employees of partner companies to encourage sessions related to the labor market, local political decision makers to debate some questions and local entrepreneurs
Training to volunteer mentors: training/awareness of the social obstacles that our population has and how they can be agents of change in the lives of these people.
Mentoring sessions: formal sessions between the mentor and beneficiary.
Job search support office

What are the expected results?

Integrate 70 people in personal, social and digital development activity
Integrate 30 people in Bootcamps and 25 in internships
Involve a minimum of 5 companies and social entities
Involve 15 volunteers
Integrate 15 beneficiaries into labor market
80% of beneficiaries assess they have increased their personal, social, digital and professional skills
80% of volunteers assess they have increased their civic awareness and interest in social issues

We expect that people gain more aware of their skills, their rights and duties, with a greater motivation to become active in their community. Volunteers and companies more aware of the importance of their role as facilitator of opportunities, more a aware of their social responsibility and how change makers can be in these processes

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The project focuses on active citizenship and the effective participation of citizens in their community and socio-economic development. We want them to increase their knowledge of their rights and duties so that they have greater control on their citizenship, but also an active voice at times of political and social decisions.
With this project, we believe, to be able to awaken an awareness for the full exercise of citizenship, based on the construction of a more just, egalitarian and democratic society.
The contents of the sessions that will be developed allow empower of personal, social and digital skills, allow access to information and how it should be interpreted, as well as an increase in the literacy of this population that are basic tools for exercising their citizenship.

Why is this idea important to you?

The team has a lot of experience working with different organizations designing content and delivering non-formal based training, targeting especially vulnerable social groups, young people and social and youth workers. The main topics of interest are related to human rights, gender equality, diversity, inclusion, youth participation and volunteering. We’re passionate about bringing people together and to facilitate safe spaces for collective learning while celebrating diversity.
Some members developed a great deal of interest in the field of intercultural learning, active citizenship and has been a part of nacional and international Pools of Trainers.
We work in the field since 2013 so we have great relations with community and partners taking part in a lot of decisions that were taken

€ 38192,-

Total budget

€ 33026,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Human Resources: 20726€
Pedagogical coordination and facilitation (external service): 5000€
Beneficiaries training grants: 6000€
Insurance to beneficiaries: 300€
Material: 500€
Account service: 500€
Office expenses: 5166€

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Get opinions on the activities of the project and if they agree that they are a good means to achieve the objectives to which we propose. Ideas to enrich our training, themes and methodologies. Whether we should include more activities or replace some with something that seems more effective to them



Nuno Rodrigues

Ana Forte


Idea created on April 23, 2021
Last edit on April 23, 2021

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