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Sport against extremism | Civic Europe
Community development, Social inclusion

Sport against extremism

Sport as a tool for integrating vulnerable communities and contributing to interpersonal cohesion.


Who is behind this?

Tiziano Tomassini

Young Effect Association


Who is joining forces?



Comune di Magenta



Idea pitch

The objective of “Sport against extremism” project is to stimulate the active participation of young animators and young people, in the context of intercultural dialogue, to present the sport as an effective tool for the inclusion of people with fewer opportunities that suffer social exclusion.
This objective directly points the policies of European Union to guarantee opportunities for young people, prevent radicalization and fight intolerance and discrimination that portray all extremism.

Where will your project idea take place?

Magenta, province of Milan, North Italy

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The EU is accomplishing great efforts to support social integration in response to the refugee crisis and new poverties after Covid-19 pandemic, emphasizing the importance of education and sport so our local community should follow these international efforts.
Young Effect and partners believes that sport is an extremely effective tool for integrating vulnerable communities, contributes to interpersonal cohesion, creates a sense of teamwork, ambition for further development and inclusion in the territory of Magenta. Through non-formal methods, the project will contribute to the development of skills in the workers of local institutions (associations, municipality, sport clubs etc.) for an effective use of sport as a tool for active inclusion of young people suffering social exclusion.

Who are you doing it for?

The target group are youth workers who work with people struggling
with social exclusion, poverty and unemployment and so can bring them to radicalism and extremism.
After a SWOT analysis, YEA and its partners highlighted the needs and issues of the target group to which it is addresses the project:
1) Lack of a common program and quality working methods of youth workers in relation
to socially excluded and isolated young people;
2) Lack of recognition and widespread promotion of best strategies and practices
used to address the problem;
3) Lack of effective methods for building common partnerships between institutions and in particular those who work with marginalized young people;
4) Lack of effective approaches to involve marginalized young people in sport activities.

How do you plan to get there?

Phase 1: research and analyze the challenges of integrating people with fewer opportunities into EU society and highlight the potential of sport as integration tool.
We will do it by involving high schools; students will organize survey, podcasts and sessions in order to get materials to give a frame to the issue.
Phase 2: improve the quality of the work in local NGO by providing tools to organize sport integration events. Methods used: exchange of best practices, visiting realities that are implementing other similar projects, case study analysis, production of a manual of tools.
Phase 3: promotion and information of sport activities into young people. We will collect the list of all sport associations in our territory and their activities and we will be the bridge between them and marginalized young people organizing events inside festivals, celebrations in schools and socials.
Phase 4: prepare min. 6 recommendations for the promotion of guidelines for integration sport events. They will be prepared through “Open Cafè” sessions with the involvement of local politicians.
Phase 5: encourage Ngo’s to share experiences and good practices in creating an inter-organizational network.
In this phase we would like to create a network that can meet regularly also after the end of this project in order to give sustainability to our action and prepare future projects together.

What are the expected results?

At the end of the project, youth workers will:
-Apply methods to identify the needs of marginalized youth highlighting non-formal approaches that facilitates inclusion in sport activities;
-Develop specific skills to plan and implement sport initiatives with young people suffering social exclusion to prevent extremism;
-Be able to disseminate info among partners about the benefits of sport in the integration process and regularly update the interests of youngsters;
-Organize sessions with youngsters and be able to motivate them.
We will increase young leaders' ability to interact with other workers, to develop skills like cooperation, teamwork, communication, tolerance and acceptance of the "different".
Other results: exchange of best practices, development of new ideas, partnership.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

In order to reach a full awareness of the functions of political institutions and the importance of the active citizenship and participation in the development of local territory, we will use the already experimented Open Cafè tool. Debates will be very friendly oriented; speaking while drinking a coffee is a way to keep the debates non formal and possibly attractive for young people with fewer opportunities.
During the debates and sessions we will develop several recommendations that will be presented to the Municipalities involved so we will create a solid and direct dialogue with public institutions. Moreover recently the Municipality of Magenta created a Youth consultation forum, so we will use this tool as well in order to communicate with them and transform our ideas into reality.

Why is this idea important to you?

Tiziano Tomassini: trainer in youth projects and former councillor of Magenta.
Alice Fogarty: admin of YEA. She will manage everything related to accountability.
Oscar Boldrini: YEA president, Italo-Spanish citizen living in Magenta. He will manage the relations with local stakeholders.
Federico Oldani: responsible of graphics used by YEA to promote the project.
Marco Garavaglia: president of Time2Fit, responsible for sport events related to the project.
Luca Aloi: sport assessor of Magenta Municipality, he will manage the relationship with public bodies.
YEA has about 25 volunteers with different ethnic backgrounds that will give added value to this project. We consider this project an opportunity to establish a network for the promotion of social integration in our territory.

€ 38500,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

1. Personnel costs: 22.000€
2. Workplace expenses (rent, utilities, office supplies etc.): 5.000€
3. Internet costs: 500€
4. Workshop costs (coffee break etc.): 3.500€
5. Travel costs for experts: 2.500€
6. Public relations 3.000€
7. E-marketing: 2000€

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

In these difficult period for civic cohesion we think that we should more and more promote European values and solidarity between each other. We believe that our project can be a tool for sharing ideas and best practices with the online community. We wait for your suggestions.





Idea created on April 17, 2021
Last edit on April 17, 2021

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