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Education and research, Social inclusion




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Idea pitch

Casa Digitale is a project aimed at contrasting the digital divide and promotingof digital literacy for people of all age groups, genders and backgrounds (with particular attention to fragile subjects such as young people, the elderly and migrant women). It provides for the opening of a listening desk on cyberbullying, revenge porn and digital crimes for families, schools, adolescents, educational figures.

Where will your project idea take place?


What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Digital assistance desk to provide assistance and training on online services. Space for collecting reports and requests on cyberbullying, with legal and psychological services, creative / training workshops. In a city with a strong presence of migrant people is important help the social cohesion e the digital citizenship for access to practices, burocracy, school inscriptions, permissions...

Who are you doing it for?

Older people, migrant peopel, woman, neet, teen-agers, students

How do you plan to get there?

The activities include a free assistance desk service for services related to the Public Administration (school enrollments, digital identity, bonuses, orientation ...), digital literacy courses with specific focus on certain fragile population groups, digital accessibility interventions, one-to-one tutoring on the use of devices, civic / digital citizenship courses, free listening desk on cyberbullying and other computer crimes (psychological counseling, legal assistance), training and entertainment to prevent gambling, conventions and conferences. Among the specific objectives there is also that of working on the empowerment of foreign women through interventions aimed at the realization of women through digital skills.

What are the expected results?

The project has as its ultimate goal the promotion of the values of equality and equal opportunities, as the living conditions of the so-called "offline" population are becoming increasingly difficult due to the predominant role that digital has taken on in accessing public services and private individuals (including welfare), in training and access to work.
The lack of digital skills and access to technologies is in fact creating an evident imbalance that affects all aspects of a person's daily life, leading in the most extreme cases to a forced renunciation of some of the fundamental rights of citizens, such as access to subsidies and other public services, but also the right to work itself.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The collaboration with the Youth Office - Education, Education and New Generations Area of Bologna will allow to better calibrate the action aimed at schools and socio-educational centers, as well as to activate paths also for young Neet. The comparison with the districts will be very important, to give digital support to citizens in difficulty with the online services of the Public Administration. and for computer literacy courses. Dry-Art will also involve local schools through a close comparison with teachers, in particular with those referring to cyberbullying. Finally, associations that deal with training, projects for migrants and accessibility will be involved with figures of cultural mediators

Why is this idea important to you?

The proposal stems from a proven experience in the field achieved through specific training aimed at both a general public and well-identified users: social workers, teachers, students, immigrants. The association also has communication courses on cybersecurity, citizenship and digital accessibility under its belt; he has been working in schools for many years, proposing training and creative projects, cyberbullying, ludopathies, video games and, more generally, problems related to the digital world.Dry-Art also manages a digital desk to assist citizens * in carrying out municipal services in various districts of Bologna (Borgo Panigale-Reno, San Donato-San Vitale and, in the past, Porto-Saragozza). The extensive specific experience in the fields of digital assistance and communication.

€ 29000,-

Total budget

€ 15000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Course for training digital divide 4.000,00

Consulence for psichologycal desk 2.000,00

Consulence for legal desk 2.000,00

Works for the social space 14.000,00

Costs for assicuration and materials 3.000,00

Promotion, video, brochure, books 2.000,00

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Social House Digital aimed at combating the digital divide and promoting digital literacy for people of all age groups, genders and backgrounds with particular attention to fragile individuals such as young people, the elderly and migrant


Associazione Dry-Art

Idea created on March 30, 2021
Last edit on March 30, 2021

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