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Slowzine - magazine for change | Civic Europe

Slowzine - magazine for change

To share and inform, to foster the cooperation in changing the local food system thanks to the network of producers, restaurateurs, and consumers involved in online and paper-based magazine.


Who is behind this?

Tommaso Martini

Condotta Slow Food Valle dell'Adige Alto Garda



Idea pitch

The model of production, distribution, and consumption is a focal point in any case of reflection about the ecological transition. Every change has to start from the foundation and has to involve the biggest quantity of people. Hence, our network of local producers, restaurateurs, and consumers arranged themselves and united their forces to create a special tool that can influence local food policies, to inform local citizens, share ideas and opinions, to cooperate and to be incisive.

Where will your project idea take place?

Trentino, on the North of Italy, amongst Alps and Po Valley

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The challenge is to raise knowledge within local communities about the urgency of the matter of change. Having considered this aspect there are few companies which resist, applying right practices in agriculture, they can not imagine anything but living in their hometowns, mountains and produce the good, clean and right. Every person has to understand that he is a protagonist of the change and can influence local political and economical decisions. Every citizen has to be sensible regarding their purchase habits giving the right impulse to the change. Only with the knowledge its possible to influence political decisions. The knowledge goes along with care because I care what I know. Thanks to the major diffusion of knowledge citizens will be more conscious about taking care of territory

Who are you doing it for?

Together with producers, restaurateurs, and knowing consumers (called co-producers) we will create a shared instrument for raising awareness online and offline to gain more publicity and to reach as many people as possible: families, other producers, and stakeholders. Restaurateurs are crucial in spreading information about the good, clean, and right food. Local families will have to increase their consciousness about the value of their own choices in consumption as well as decisions regarding the collective restoration such as scholar and company canteens. Producers have to be aware that their colleagues who have initiated their improvement in terms of agroecology are succeeding. Regarding local politicians, they have to understand that they are responsible for these changes.

How do you plan to get there?

The probation of Slowzine is already in action. Currently, the magazine is being published monthly with approximately 30 pages which accommodate 14 topics/articles. However, the project provides an implementation of this tool to make a stronger impact on society. The first step is the creation of the website with a forum implemented to discuss and achieve consensus and climax in debates and to allow more people to access the content . Currently, there are 35 stakeholders involved, including producers, restaurateurs, and privates who contribute to the realization of Slowzine. The project plans to involve a minimum of 60 stakeholders who would contribute with information and insights. New collaborators are going to be selected by specific requests for particular topics. The selection will be open without any preclusion and managed by our association. For today, the circulation of Slowzine is 100 copies. We want to arrive at a minimum of 500 and to distribute them in a more sensible and focal way. On our website, we also want to add a page about online and live meetings and events schedules. Should these steps be defined, the project will evolve in a more detailed and precise way according to the plan.

What are the expected results?

Thousands of people are going to get to know nowadays topics regarding the theme and raise awareness and knowledge about the necessity of changing production, distribution, and consumption systems. We will draw the attention of the public to small agriculture companies and farms that respect values that come up and gain more importance often these days like the biodiversity, environment, wellbeing of local flora, and fauna. This knowledge spread among local dwellers will have an immediate impact on the economy that will lead to a steady increase in sales of products that share our philosophy. Having thousands of people by our side we will be capable of influence positive changes also on a political level.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

People will know more about their territory and its biodiversity richness. This way they will act with the care reserved to what you know. With every issue of our monthly magazine, we will launch a new specific campaign appealing to local political institutions. The campaign will be supported by every stakeholder and contributor. This appeal is going to be a result of an indoor discussion and shared insights which will be also highlighted by the local press. Moreover, people involved in this project will have created a caring community which will improve the overall social wellbeing on the territory.

Why is this idea important to you?

The team, who gave birth to the project of Slowzine are a part of Slow Food Valle dell’Adige Alto Garda, local community of Slow Food, which is a very important international association since 1986 they are occupied with issues described above. The local Slow Food counts approximately 300 people who consider Slow Food as an orienteer for sustainability, biodiversity promotion, and protection and generally speaking, a means to create a well-being, equal and sustainable future. Our team includes producers, technicians, lawyers, local political players, restaurateurs as they all have deep roots in this territory and community.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 30000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

project management and coordination 12.000 € office expenses 1.200 € travel and accommodation 1.800 € design and prints 10.000 € communication 5.500 € consultants 3.000 € online workshops 1.500 €

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We are interested in how could we improve the transmission of the information to the people who struggle in an urge of change of food systems and how could we spread this awareness amongst political stakeholders and influence their opinion to foster the positive change.



Idea created on April 26, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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