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SISTERWUD - safer realities for Womxn Using Drugs | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Community development

SISTERWUD - safer realities for Womxn Using Drugs

Full citizenship, community-led safer spaces and stronger alliances among Womxn Using Drugs (WUD)


Who is behind this?

Aura Roig

Metzineres. Environments of Shelter for Womxn Using Drugs Surviving to Multiple Violences


Who is joining forces?

Chemical Sisters


DonArsu Tot - ARSU (Associació Reus Som Útils) L.A. RTV




Partnerships take place with collectives of womxn who use drugs (WUD) in Europe, as main experts to bring to action WUD demands, as we share similar demands and aspirations for civic rights.


Idea pitch

SisterWUD, an alliance of collectives of Women and Non-Binary People Who Use Drugs therefore named as womxn using drugs (WUD). We welcome diversity, fighting back criminalization, promoting intersectional feminism as a practice and leadership as a goal. We reject binary social expectations and violence that suffocates our lives every day in the in care services and prisions. We rebel building safer realities against traditional medicine and science that do not take WUD into account.

Where will your project idea take place?

Reus, Barcelona,North Spain
Suburbs of Turin,North Italy
Eleora prison, Thebesin Boeotia,Greece

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Acknowledging 34.8 women in the EU have tried drugs (EMCDDA, 2017) and aware of the institutional gaps, structural violence, criminalization and stigma faced by WUD rooted on social exclusion, prejudice and discrimination, we bring to the scene the voices of women surviving to multiple violence aiming at building safer realities for WUD, namely migrant womxn, mothers and their children, womxn in prison, young womxn, trans women, sex workers, homeless womxn,
Safer spaces appear based on gender mainstreaming, harm reduction and human rights, to overcome the legal, sanitary and social voids in the systems, aiming to promote essential civic rights based on non-judgemental, nondiscriminatory and supportive environment, with empathetic approach, peer support and women-only provision.

Who are you doing it for?

From the grassroots to the global, we welcome an integrated intersectional feminism approach and non-ableist approaches, racial justice and the right to use drugs and experience pleasure as common values. We work to reclaim our bodily sovereignty, including rights to the full range of sexual and reproductive health, gender-sensitive health services, and rights to use drugs, to live free in affections and safe in urban and rural landscapes. Our target group is WUD who are surviving violences, their needs and demands, namely from women and non-binary people doing sex worker, trans women women in prison, homeless, young women, women that are mothers and their children, women mental health problems and funcional diversity. Peer work will be the the key to settle down the approaches locally.

How do you plan to get there?

Acknowledging that, due to criminalization, stigma and dicrimination, violence is particular to some groups of women, Metzineres, DonArsu Tot, Chemical Sisters and PeerNUPS are willing to enlarge the scope of action, namely in terms of i) infrastructure and activities, ii) capacity building iii) advocacy and iv) monitoring and evaluation.

To support physical installations
To implement peer support

Highlight leadership and autonomy as best practice to build cross movements
Increase representation of WUD
Meet women needs

Study visit to Barcelona-Reus promoting the streghtn of SisterWUD alliances
To influence public policies promoting intersectional feminism as a practice

Online survey directed to WUD and their allies in the 3 countries

What are the expected results?

Strengthening sisterhood alliances among WUD we will be promoting political roadmap for other collectives an feminist organizations, inspiring even institucional changes regarding as part of adopting our recommendations and recognizing our civic rights as womxn, specially those in major vulnerability:
30 women from the collective WUD implementing SisterWUD alliance and project implementation
300 WUD will be in contacted with our implemented spaces
20 WUD and their children will self managed space care
30 womxn will be contacted in prison
70 sex workers were reached out
500 womxn will be familiarized with the right to Health, to live safe, free of violence, stigma and discrimination, to housing, to productivity and to live all affections.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The idea of bringing collectives of WUD and allies together, from different countries of South Europe will allow to promote WUD full citizenship, based on civic and equal rights, as:
Sharing best practices on intersectional feminism: why placing marginalised communities and those most impacted by the war on drugs at the center of our movements matters (including WUD, women in prison, mothers and their children, womxn with HIV, migrant women and sex workers).
Presenting holistic practices fighting against discrimination
Enhance intersectional feminism inside full spectrum harm reduction practices, among these groups, promoting leadership and visibility of the collective of WUD, individual and collective care through the presentation of world-wide resistance, against gender violence.

Why is this idea important to you?

The EU Drugs Strategy 2013-2020 develops an approach to the phenomenon of drug use proposing to achieve the overall objectives within cross-disciplinary themes of (i) coordination, (ii) international cooperation and (iii) information, research, monitoring and evaluation. Along with the EU Action Plan for Gender 2016-2020, women and girls should be put at the center of the answers. Bringing intersectional feminism inside drug policy will contribute for full citizenship rights of WUD, including the full realization of equal enjoyment of all women and girls of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, especially those experiencing multiple violences. As social exclusionis higher in South Europe, SisterWUD brings alliances to set up safer realities for women in Spain, Italy and Greece.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Human Resources, Equipment, Activity Implementation & Monitoring & Evaluation
Safer space (rent, energy, water, phone) = 13 850 € (12 months)
Administrative costs / supervision costs = 1750 €
Expertise (Greece, Italy, Reus) = 22 750 €
Metzineres Advocacy = 1500 €
Travel & Accomodation for all (Study Visit in Barcelona - Reus) = 8650 €

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to extend civic rights targeting WUD at an European scale, namely the right to live in a climate free of war, to live free in affections and elections (use / without using drugs), the right to pleasure, and not being criminalized & to live free from stigma. We welcome any suggestions.



Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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