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ScienceCivicus | Civic Europe
Education and research, Social inclusion


Active citizenship through science education


Who is behind this?

Patricia Fechet

Asociația Secular-Umanistă din România


Who is joining forces?

Fundaţia Academică “Idei şi Fapte pentru anii 2000”


We plan to conclude partnerships with up to 10 schools in rural or marginalized communities in Neamț and Iași counties, with the University of Iași and with regional educational stakeholders.


Idea pitch

Active citizenship and scientific knowledge are fundamental needs for the development and evolution of children. While children living in urban areas have access to better education opportunities, those living in rural areas and underprivileged communities face a deep disadvantage. Therefore, civism and science need to be addressed simultaneously. Allowing science passionate specialists to educate underprivileged kids would be motivate and encourage them to aspire to a greater personal future.

Where will your project idea take place?

Neamț and Iași counties, North-East Romania

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The social need we want to address is the eradication of scientific illiteracy and lack of critical thinking among children from disadvantaged areas. Increasing their practical science experience and knowledge in a non-formal, fun manner will equip them with knowledge and skills that enable them to think critically and autonomously. This will empower them to act and contribute to positive change in their communities, to defend their human rights and others' and to always seek justice. On the other hand, the eminent science students and specialists involved will feel empowered to to civically engage in marginalized communities which have less opportunities and to use science as a tool for inclusion, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality.

Who are you doing it for?

Minimum 350 children from primary and secondary schools from rural and underprivileged areas.

How do you plan to get there?

1. Education of children through workshops on steps of scientific method and practical applications of the scientific method in everyday life, with the aim of increasing critical and autonomous thinking. 2. Games, practical activities, workshops, community activities on: - the role of math and biology in democracy and in ensuring fairness and accountability, also in order to clarify scientific beliefs that arise during various health issues, such as viruses or bacteria, - astronomy: sky observations in the community with the aim to build and strengthen community relationships, - physics and chemistry: about pollution and the domino effect with the aim to encourage individuals to act for protecting the environment and to see the importance of people’s support in a community, - understanding human evolution with the aim to reflect on individual and collective human rights in a community. 3. Expositions of science projects made my the participants at the local library/rural halls. 4. Conversations between participants and the community members on science role in improving life quality.
Specific steps: 1. Mobilizing the local/regional educational institutions and local authorities for promoting science among primary and secondary pupils. 2. Creating a communication network that will encourage university students to become science educators for kids in poor areas.

What are the expected results?

- Minimum 50 workshops and activities about the relation of between science and democracy and human rights;
- Minimum 350 kids with increased understanding of science benefits for developing critical thinking and for long-term improvement of community livelihood.
- Kids' increased confidence in their abilities, stimulated curiosity and passion for learning stimulated.
- Increased public awareness of the role science plays in the region and of how authorities should use scientific tools to efficiently solve community problems.
- Increased awareness of the academia about the role they play at regional level and about how they can get involved in the development of underprivileged communities.
- Improved communication between educational entities, local authorities and the community.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

By learning about the role of science in daily life, about human rights and civic values, the project will equip kids with knowledge that enables them to think critically and autonomously. They will be encouraged to take ownership over their community life starting with families and neighbors, being empowered to act and contribute to positive change by defending their rights and others’ and always seek justice. The project will be a first step in developing their skills to become active citizens, representing the seeds of social involvement and social change at local level. Equally, it will empower science students and specialists to civically engage in marginalized communities and use science as a tool for inclusion, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity, equal opportunities

Why is this idea important to you?

Patricia Fechet is native from Piatra Neamț, the capital city of Neamț County, where she managed various project to promote science and critical thinking among youth. She is also a Law student with keen interest in human rights. Bogdan Tofanică is a scientific researcher at the University of Iași; he has organized various science popularization projects among youth and children during the past 15 years.
Monica Belițoiu is a communication specialist and coordinator of critical thinking projects for children and youth.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Management and personnel remuneration: 7500 EUR
Educators fees and remuneration: 10000 EUR
Transportation, travel expenses, travel fuel: 5000 EUR
Materials/equipment/workshops and activities supply: 7500 EUR
Promotion and advertising: 4000 EUR
Office supplies: 1000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Any kind of feedback will be extremely helpful! We would like to know if we managed to make our idea and approach clear enough or if there's something that requires clarification.


Patricia F


Idea created on March 26, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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