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Comunity Circular Economy | Civic Europe
Community development, Environment and sustainability

Comunity Circular Economy

Creation adn dinamisation of a local ans comunitarian partnership of circular economy.


Who is behind this?

Lisandra Rodrigues

Associação Santa Teresa de Jesus - Dignidade e Desenvolvimento


Who is joining forces?

Escola Básica D. Luís da Cunha - Agrupamento Virgílio Ferreira


Rede Cuidar da Casa Comum


ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa



Idea pitch

What if can be build a community moved by sustainability and encourage by circular economy? We dream to create this social community, contributing to new cycles of resource's use, in a neighbourhood in the city centre of Lisboa with huge difficulties in civic participation. In aim of sucess, we want to involve local activists of the community istself, strategic partners and reopen a local kiosk as a physical place of dinamisation and communication.

Where will your project idea take place?

Alvalade, Lisboa

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The challenges to face are:
- Involving the community in a cause at the local level based on existing projects with a positive impact on the territory (sewing workshop and community group), namely through local facilitators in the neighbourhood, who enhance communication and connection;
- opening of a local communication, meeting and centralizing point to raise the profile of the cause and the project, making the most of a space that has been closed for a long time;
- Involve local and strategic partners, as well local businesses, in building the network from the scratch, defining together the objectives, means and strategies to be developed;
- raising awareness and contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle from an environmental, social and economic point view.

Who are you doing it for?

This project aims to reach all the different groups of the community:
- children who are students at primary school and participants in the socio-educational projects, accompanied by the educational agents;
- adults of working age participating in the community group and the sewing workshop, in particular, and the community in general, participating or not in social intervention projects;
- young students, workers and/or unemployed people.

How do you plan to get there?

a) Design the way to make the concept of circular economy known and aware by the community and all stakeholders through the most effective strategies defined in common;
b) Involvement of local facilitators, preferably young people and external to any entity presenting a process of selection and training of them through local communication and with the support of the technical team;
c) Invitation to local partners by stages as identification, contact, definition of roles, involvement through regular meetings, namely in the continuous assessment process;
d) Auscultation and involvement of the community for the elaboration of the action plan, searching for and implementing participation methodologies which enable the most effective and real participation of the community;
d) Elaboration of working groups according to the interests and needs raised, which meet regularly to energise and create local mechanisms for the circulation of resources;
e) Elaboration and follow up the execution of an action plan of the activities to be developed;
f) Elaboration and monitoring of the implementation of a communication plan able of sensitizing and involving the community in general for the cause, from the various sounding moments.

What are the expected results?

- Incorporation of the circular economy concept in the community;
- Implementation and dynamisation of the local circular economy network with the community and partners;
- Creation of dynamics for the reuse of various products and local circular economy projects (namely textile, IT, school and food products);
- Involvement and commitment of two local facilitators, duly trained and accompanied;
- Involvement and participation of residents committed to the dynamics created from the network's working groups;
- Consolidation and dynamisation of a local physical space as a reference point for the development of the project (kiosk that will be reopen);
- Greater joint dynamics and communication between and with the local community group, the partners and local traders

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our idea hope develop active citizenship by
- Valuing active and informal listening to the community through local facilitators whose represent similar and identitary means of communication, strengthening the sense of belonging;
- Valuing spaces for active and direct participation through the design of the very means of dynamisation by all those involved, equally and constantly, namely through regular meetings and working groups;
- Giving back to the community the answers and initiatives proposed, after to be reflected, assumed and prepared by its representatives to the needs identified;
- Presenting this participative process as valid means of social and political intervention based on local realities, and bringing its echoes to the decision-making bodies and the media.

Why is this idea important to you?

- Trajetória da entidade (presença das Irmãs e constituição da Associação para responder a necessidades e GC);
- Perfis técnicos implicados no projeto
- 2 dinamizadoras líderes

€ 38355,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

5 675 EUR Project coordinator
14 400 EUR Intervention technician
5 740 EUR Local facilitator 1
5 740 EUR Local faciliator 2
3 600 EUR Rento to public space (kiosk)
3 000 EUR Design and plan comunication, inlude means of difusion
200,00 EUR Transports

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

How to improve the engagment with comunity?


Associação Santa Teresa de Jesus - Dignidade e Desenvolvimento


Idea created on April 8, 2021
Last edit on May 6, 2021

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