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Red Cross for knowledge of human rights | Civic Europe
Community development

Red Cross for knowledge of human rights

A better EU citizen awareness of human rights by dissemination and promotion of International human rights law through Red Cross cooperation


Who is behind this?

Cinzia Marchitelli

Croce Rossa Italiana Comitato Valle del Tevere O.D.V.



Idea pitch

We would like to enhance knowledge of human rights in Europe by a dissemination and a promotion of International human rights law. In particular we will use Red Cross cooperation to sensitize young people to democracy concept, to 7 principles of International Federation of Red Cross. Target group of the project will be children and teenagers, because they are represented the foundation of EU future population.
Education of citizen will be done using face to face lessons or online meetings.

Where will your project idea take place?

In Italy, Lazio region in two small towns located near Rome, Capena and Fiano Romano.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Technology, hystorical events and pollution led our small cities to a great social and economical change which bring on a moments of apathy between social groups and less confidence to autorithies. The value system is in crisys leading to a lack of comunication and partecipation to the democracy themes. Young people are not interested to the historical situation, showing a worrying level of ignorance of the human rights, responsability and in contrast to the high level of immigrates in our state.

Who are you doing it for?

The target group are about 1000 among students of the elementary schools and teenagers of the countries. They represent our heritage, then they have a great capacity to learn from scratch and to be aware without prejudice than adults. In other place theachers, like mediators of knowledge, are important to vehicle the messagge of a better democratic system. We want to broadcast the ideas of a better place, through the principles of Red Cross using all the possibilities that technology give us: Webinar, Webconferences, Pc.

How do you plan to get there?

We want to use all the possible instruments to reach the audience: peer education, confrontation and direct partecipation to the themes of the educational workshops are the first methods to experience.
During lessons there will be red cross volunteers explaining the principles of human right, solidarity, respect, tolerance and inclusion diversity. Dissemination and Promotion of the activities will be realized through all the comunication channel of Institutions and Red Cross.

What are the expected results?

Working with children and teenagers means to build the future of our country and this is the best way to grant a sustainable, cultural and democratical development. We expect to reach target group and, thanks to the dissemination of Red cross principles, to establish in the local country a set of values and create a new generation of individuals that feel all citizens of the same country.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

This project will make young people more aware of human rights and democracy concept.
A dissemination and promotion of the seven fundamental principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independance, voluntary service, unity, and universality) will be developed to enhance their knowledge by young people.
Education of childrens and teenagers of a rural area will help to decrease the cultural gap existing between rural town and cosmopolitan city as Rome.
A better awareness of human rights and democracy will help young people to participate in decision-making processes in the future.

Why is this idea important to you?

We are volunteers of Red Cross so is our aim and mission to sensitize people to human rights. The seven fundamental principles of Red Cross help us to understand importance of democracy.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personel costs
Office expenses
Travel and accomodation costs
Public relations

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Every advice, comment or feedback is desirable.



Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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