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Radio Leib - Community Radio | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities, Community development

Radio Leib - Community Radio

A community radio managed together with citizens, which promotes culture as a primary and inalienable asset


Who is behind this?

Camilla Stellato



Who is joining forces?

La Locomotiva Cooperativa sociale Onlus



Idea pitch

A community radio station managed together with citizens; from the inner and cultural peripheries of Naples, giving voice to those who do not have it. Let's imagine Radio Leib embodied in the city, grafted into the human and urban fabric, moving everywhere. In this sense, we have chosen the name "Leib": a living body in contact with the world; Leib as being in the world (Lebenswelt). A community audio space; a radio as an artistic, informative, historical, social, and research dimension

Where will your project idea take place?

Napoli, south Italy

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many things have changed in our society. The social distancing has led to a fragmentation of our social fabric. The development of humanity itself is cracking due to the stop to cultural and community activities. This happens particularly in those peripheral urban areas where services are lacking and there is a high rate of social fragility, such as in the inner peripheries of Naples, areas in which our association operates. The radio medium, rediscovered as a fundamental "air space" during the pandemic, is able to enter all homes, overcoming geographical, social and cultural distances. Radio Leib will be a community-radio managed together with citizens, which aims to be a point of reference for the community, based on the principle of "poetic citizenship".

Who are you doing it for?

The project is aimed at 3 different target groups.
1) citizens living in the inner peripheries of Naples, characterized by "a condition of structural poverty, low levels of education, a young age and a very high unemployment rate" (Istat, 2017, p. 234).
2) the homeless of the city of Naples. From the latest Istat survey, in 2014, there were approximately 2,500 homeless people in the Campania Region, of which almost 1,700 are concentrated only in the Naples area.
3) the students of the foreign cultural institutes present in Naples, in particular the Goethe Institut.

How do you plan to get there?

1) purchasing radio equipment

2) Training program
participants: citizens, homeless people, students from foreign cultural institutes
Topics: how to give life to web radio, addressing technical aspects, planning to programming and broadcasting, schedules, editing, podcasting; with a section on organisatio
Goal: transmit to citizens skills to run a web radio, promoting the idea of a participatory radio, a community radio: open to 15 participants including citizens, homeless people and students of foreign Cultural Institutes and universities. They, production and promotion
Approach: thinking-doing, learning-acting way, offering the community the opportunity to practice the acquired knowledge

3) Meetings with radio experts and artists
In collaboration with the Goethe-Institut Neapel,
Topic: creators and curators of some representative experiences of "community radio" based in Germany and International radio artists
Approach: case studies, participants will analyse "community radio" best practices; as well radio genres that characterise European production
Goal: development creative project with the participants

4) Establishment of a permanent radio team
Participants: citizens who have participated in the learning program
Topic: radio programming made with citizens
Approach: participatory design
Goal: Radio Leib broadcast as a stable community audio space

What are the expected results?

Radio is the best way to give voice to fragile people and the invisible part of the city. Facing the social disruption caused by COVID-19, we want to overcome the social distance. We aim to foster a new sense of humanity, encouraging cooperation between people from different backgrounds and conditions, creating a new resilient hybrid community. Participants will be the voice of the inner cultural peripheries of Neaples, sharing thoughts and experiences, promoting culture as a primary and inalienable asset. Radio Leib will broadcast interviews, domestic and urban forays, meetings, radio artworks, and experimental formats through the citizens' point of view, generating a human-specific experience: a community radio space based on experimental sociality.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Radio Leib is built with the personal participation of citizens, broadcasting schedules from the inner peripheries of Naples. An original point of view giving voice to the most fragile and invisible part of the city, building bridges between people with different backgrounds. Voice has the power to overcome prejudices. Thanks to digital platforms, radio broadens its potential. Listeners can approach diversity and fragility, also by interacting with the web. Radio Leib will spread its voice thanks also to multimedia supports, keep the community connected, allowing everyone, from any distance, to participate in its programming and its collateral activities. We rely on the community not to seek solutions but to read the present and prepare for the future, sharing an experience and a promise.

Why is this idea important to you?

TeatrInGestAzione (Represented by Associazione Artegrado) is a non-profit organization based in Naples since 2006, founded by Gesualdi | Trono. They work in international contexts dealing with production, education, artistic curatorship, and cultural projects in socially disadvantaged contexts, focusing on participatory and community processes. Their work stems from the need to free the performative act from the spectacular context and to promote art as the engine of experimental sociality. For nine years, they led the theatre project at the State Prison for the criminally insane. Since 2011 they direct the community festival Altofest (, based on gift and hospitality. The project was born to give rise to a large and heterogeneous community based on Poetical Citizenship

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Purchase of equipment for radio transmission: € 5000
Social workers: €4000
Psychologist: €4000
Radio expert for citizens' training: € 3000
Audio technician for citizens' training: € 2000
Curator of contents for citizens' training: € 2000
Fee for representative case studies: € 3000
Artistic direction: € 2500
Reimbursement for using spaces to La Locomotiva: €2000
Travel and accommodation expenses for case studies: € 3000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

All kinds of feedback are welcome, as we strongly believe that an outside perspective is a precious source of enrichment and can truly help to reach the goal’s project.




roberta ruggiero

Idea created on April 24, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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