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Radio as a means to educate in global citizenship | Civic Europe

Radio as a means to educate in global citizenship

Radio workshops as a pedagogical tool: stimulating students to adopt a critical and responsible attitude towards the world around us and learning useful techniques for making a radio show


Who is behind this?

Maite López Presa




Idea pitch

Our challenge is to include among the main interests of young university students the knowledge, analysis and defense of human rights, to work for a more fair, equal and sustainable world. We target the students of the Segovia campus of the University of Valladolid. They will have the opportunity to learn to “do radio” through workshops in which they will prepare the scripts, contents and invite lecturers with experience in each topic covered.

Where will your project idea take place?

The project will take place in the campus of the city of Segovia from the University of Valladolid.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Segovia is a city in the northwest of Spain, capital of the Community of Castilla and León. It has a population over 50,000 inhabitants. The students of the Segovia campus mostly come from scattered and depopulated urban areas.
As a development cooperation NGO, we would like to include a more global approach in teaching practice, linked to a fairer and more supportive vision of the world we live in, and let students be a leading role of their own learning, helping them in the implementation and development of each radio program. Main topics will be discussed for students to consider and incorporate them in all areas of their daily routine, so that they develop as professionals who in a near future, will work for a fairer and more sustainable world.

Who are you doing it for?

In order to provide the students with all the information and to create programs with a high debate, we will give voice to all the local actors involved directly or indirectly in each topic discussed: local NGOs, writers, activists, political leaders, groups and neighborhood organizations, teachers, etc. will be involved.
The students of the Segovia campus are made up of approximately 2400 young people. The project will mainly be adressed to the students of the Degree of Education and the Master of Communication for Social Purposes, but open to the participation of all, to create, in every workshop, groups of maximum 50 people.
The radio programs will be recorded on campus and the podcast will subsequently be published to the educational community and society at large.

How do you plan to get there?

The main activities to be carried out will be:
1. Invitation to participate and creation of the group of participants.
2. Training on the technical elaboration process of a radio program (Play-lists, controls and recording studio, etc.)
3. Preparation of a working script on the topics to be discussed.
4. Distribution of topics by groups.
5. Work meetings to develop the contents with the actors who will participate in the show.
6. Contents communication and broadcast before and after the radio show edition.
7. Show recording
8. Development of the “Commitments” section, where the conclusions of the program are gathered and assesed once it has been edited.

What are the expected results?

The expected results and impacts of the project are:
1. Learning a new pedagogical tool suitable for the professional future. Radio can be an educational resource of great potential to promote citizen participation.
2. Increasing the interest to expand training in different subjects and in Education for Global Citizenship as key aspect in university training.
3. Improving oral and written expression for the professional future.
4. Increasing knowledge and interest in social participation as a strategy to contribute to improve our world.
5. Building awareness in a wide sector of the population through the show in public and its media coverage.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The aim of the project is to promote the active participation of students in the learning process. It means that “learning by doing” will ensure not only the knowledge generation, but the internalisation of the commitment and responsibility that each person has with others and with the world around us.
The topics to be addressed in the programs will be open, and students will choose the one that best suits their interests, but they will be linked to human rights content through the 17 SDGs: equality, consumption, environment, solid institutions, etc., which will require the prior research of each one at a global level, accompanied by presentation and debate between the different actors and local NGOs. At the end of each program, a decalogue of good practices will be developed.

Why is this idea important to you?

We believe more than ever, that Development Education is essential today: only education will provide us with the way to understand and find new opportunities to personally improve and influence the enrichment of our environment; It is education what will help us improve the capacity of tomorrow's citizens and leaders allowing us to create solutions and find new paths towards a better and more sustainable future.

€ 5720,-

Total budget

€ 5720,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Specialist in program creation, 300 € * 6 workshops = 1800 €
Staff cost:
- Program guests, 200 € * 6 workshops = 1200 €
Communication and coverage:
- Contents design, 100 € * 6 workshops = 600 €
- Landing page, 100 €
- Supervisor for marketing campaign, 150 € * 10 months = 1500 €
TOTAL= 5200 €
Administration costs, 10% from total = 520 €

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to receive comments and ideas to help enrich the project in order to improve its implementation and its guarantee of serving the global community.
We will be happy to sort out and respond to any doubts or comments.


Maite López Presa

roberto monjas

Mario Llorente

Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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