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Paws for Thought | Civic Europe
Community development, Environment and sustainability

Paws for Thought

Social Cohesion through Animal Welfare


Who is behind this?

Natalia Kotsani




Idea pitch

In our country of Greece, state funds and health services are inadequate and inconsistent. This results in tensions rising on the allready strained subject of animal welfare. We propose the creation of a network though a web-based platform, connecting pet owners, volunteers and health specialists in order to deal effectively with the stray problem and educate citizens, bringing them closer together through the utilities provided by the platform, enabling them to work towards a common goal.

Where will your project idea take place?


What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The social challenge has to do with young people living in villages and towns of the country who have the energy but not the resources to help. In addition, young people take advantage of new technologies and are familiar with networking through web-based platforms and applications. The proposed platform offers an ideal environment for educating and informing citizens about animal ethics and networking people who have a vision and a willingness to get involved with seniors with professional experience. Another social challenge is the fact that there are many volunteers who do not know how to get involved, as there is no automated process in our country to provide immediate support to a wild or domestic animal that is being abused or injured.

Who are you doing it for?

As stated in the previous sections, we intend to reach and bring together volunteers that want to make their funds, time or both, available towards the betterment of the quality of life of stray animals with health care professionals for the same goal. Our platform will support and enable networking between pet owners and animal welfare professionals and health care providers, providing tools for finding, making appointments, and evaluating suitable professionals. Also, we intend, through our web-based platform to reach out to the young adults of the local community, thus strengthening civic cohesion for years to come.

How do you plan to get there?

The implementation of the project is structured in "Work Packages" (WP), which are interconnected and some of them will be implemented in parallel. We briefly mention the key points of each Work Package.

- Conducting investigations to determine the size of the problem and the image of the problem in the provinces of the country
- Comparative tables on animal welfare involving country's largest cities

- Web-based platform and application design
- Determination of functions and capabilities
- Implementation

- Increase in partner network (Creating a list of professionals from the largest cities in the country / first search)
- Cooperation with existing organizations
- Select and importing the first participating network professionals for the platform start

- Dissemination and Promotion
- Events Organization and Webinars
- First presentation

- Feedback and Debugging of the Platform
- Onsite checks on the services provided until the strengthening of the rate system
- Assessment of the Rate System

- Network extension
- Extension of the web-based platform and application: Adding new tools and capabilities

What are the expected results?

Objectives of the project are the:
- Enabling citizens who wish to offer / be active and not remain indifferent to animal welfare issues, through the provision of resources / free services
- Providing free resources for the stray or wild animals rescue
- Automation of care services provided to the strays without the burden of volunteers
- Sustainability of our platform
- Networking of people who provide services related to animal welfare and the services improvement
- Evaluation and quality of services provided
We envision a society with active citizens, aiming to eliminate the animal abuse and suffering experienced by domestic and wild animals, understanding animal ethics and being aware that we must live in harmony with the environment and other beings that inhabit this planet

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated" M. Ghandi. We believe that increasing social cohesion can improve the country's animal welfare. Conversely, providing tools and resources to citizens, could motivate them to get involved, increase their awareness pertaining to animal ethics and welfare.

How many times in your life have you stood next to an animal in peril or while it was being abused and could do nothing? You didn't take it in because you didn't know what to do, how to care for it or simply lacked the resources. And you continued your way thinking how beautiful it would be to live in a society that would offer the way to be active. Do not continue on your way and we'll be there with you.Pause for Thought.Paws for Thought

Why is this idea important to you?

During the long-term activity of our volunteer team "FELIS" we have created a large network of volunteers and professionals in our country. We have a deep knowledge of the problems but also of the legislation related to animals.

Our team consists of:
- animal behaviourists and trainers
- veterinarians, therapists and assistant veterinarians
- lawyers
- graphic designers and marketers
- artists and sensitized citizens and volunteers

We have already organized actions to raise public awareness and information and maintain a team of 4000 members, which receives a huge acceptance of animal behavior and special assistance.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Travel and accommodation costs: 3.500 EUR
Public Relations: 2.500 EUR
Office expenses: 4.000 EUR
Web-based Platform and Application Implementation: 6.000
Project Coordination & Employee fees: 17.000 EUR
Aid Platform Account for Startup*:2.000 EU

* The platform will be sustainable covering its needs and costs in the future from its revenue will not have commercial use as we are a non-profit organization.The platform's earnings will be pooled and displayed realtime for the platform's users



Idea created on April 26, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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