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Outdoor social workhop center | Civic Europe
Community development, Youth participation and empowerment

Outdoor social workhop center

Family boosting outdoor socialization project


Who is behind this?

Ivelin Drashkov




Idea pitch

Our idea is to create and develop a social-orientated urban workshop center for as many children and parents, as possible! We will engage them in different aspects of community activities, as our main idea will be to engage their attention and to further develop their skills in social activities, in 3 main dimensions:
- sports
- arts&crafts
- gardening
We will do this by implementing several mutually connected "events" which will take place outside in local urban areas.

Where will your project idea take place?

Gabovo, central Bulgaria

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

With our project, we would like to develop and boost different family activities, which will help our community establish stronger cohesion between parents&kids. Our aim is to create interest especially in outdoor family activities, which will have many impacts on society, such as:
- Kids and parents relation boosting
- Kids will learn new important things, such as taking care of plants, team sports, and some arts&crafts which will build in them self-confidence and self-belief. They will also learn how to take responsibility, how to work in a team, how to respect their own work and the work of others. We hope that our project will set the start of the building of capable, thoughtful, caring young people who will learn how they could truly impact the community they're living in.

Who are you doing it for?

The main target of our project is the kids&parents relationship, but we would like to also include trainers, mentors, youngsters, and all others who can see in our project a good possibility for community contribution. There is no greater goal than the well-being of our kids! We want to learn them to be confident that they can be strong and community-engaged persons! We are also parents and we fight with the everyday challenges of parenthood - we often feel "alone" exactly because of the lack of such community-orientated projects in our city! Once we set the basis of such a family-friendly project, we believe that soon it will become a part of our everyday life! We will be satisfied if we have the chance to prove that kids&parents relationship is the true basis of a strong society!

How do you plan to get there?

We're planning to deal with the direct impact of the Covid-19 pandemia crisis by inviting kids&parents to take part in numerous outdoor activities, divided into 3 directions:
We plan to have at least 1 "event" each month and we would like to attract at least 100-150 participants per each "event". Some of the gardening activities will require pre-treatment of the selected areas, as we intend to use for this purpose the green areas between the apartment buildings. Their preparation for the gardening will start as soon as possible.
First of all, we will introduce our plan to the local community by using mass media and Facebook. Then we will contact the local kindergartens and schools, which is the fastest way to engage as many kids, as possible. During the winter months, we will most probably need indoor halls to start our arts&crafts workshops. We could also implement some of the sports activities indoors. Our aim is to perform as many activities outside, as possible! So, whenever the weather allows this, we will organize our activities outdoors in local urban areas such as:
- parks
- sport zones
- green areas between the apartment flats.
During all these events, we will encourage the socialization and integration of not only kids& parents, but also kids with special needs, minorities, and all others who would like to take part.

What are the expected results?

We would be very happy if we manage to put our project into realization because we will definitely engage a large group of kids&parents, kids with special needs, and minorities; they will learn how to work together as a team. Thus we will deal with the big problem of desocialization which is a result of the Covid-19 crisis. We will set the focus on kids&parents relationship, which we believe is the true base of every society! It's important for our region, too, as there is no such "family booster" here.
By donating the produced in the workshops items to charity activities, we will also contribute to ill people's urgent treatments. We sincerely hope that we will create an environment in which every participant will feel an important part of society.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our project involves the participation of people of different ages, different social status, diverse interests, and abilities. We will be happy if we manage to engage all these people in our different workshops, sports events, and gardening activities and to make them work as a team! Teamwork is a very strong "weapon" in creating a strong community with underlined active citizenship. All our projects will aim at creating self-confidence in kids' own abilities. We want to also create possibilities for the active participation of kids with special needs, it is extremely important to make them feel like a part of our society and we currently have a big problem with this because there is an obvious "separation" of these kids from all community activities!

Why is this idea important to you?

Our NGO was established in 2020, but we have already completed some social activities in Gabrovo, such as food donations to people in need, cleaning of local urban zones, we'll also support 5 families during the coming Easter holidays. The people behind the project are our Manager, Ivelin Drashkov, who is a professional football trainer. Denislav Ginev and Plamena Pavlova are the other 2 sport "faces" of our team who will contribute with professionalism to the sports activities. Nadya Koleva and Nadya Bachvarova have experience and will support the gardening and arts&crafts workshops.
We have not participated in any bigger NGO project yet, but we're happy to have the chance of becoming part of your initiative!

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

1. Project management:7000EUR
2. Organization and implementation of sports events, including rental of sport zones and halls, trainers fees and buying of sports equipment, etc. related expenses: 10000EUR
3. Organization and implementation of arts&crafts, including materials such as office expenses and craft materials, etc. expenses:7000EUR
4. Gardening activities, including equipment, plants, seeds, etc. related expenses: 7000EUR
5. Marketing and advertising: 3000EUR
6. Transport:1000EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We're open to recommendations and advices!


Soc Justice Gabrovo

Idea created on April 23, 2021
Last edit on April 25, 2021

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