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OD for Civil leaders in North- East Hungary | Civic Europe
Community development

OD for Civil leaders in North- East Hungary

We want to provide civil leaders of North- East Hungary an opportunity to learn organizational development tools (OD) and apply them in their daily work to the benefit of their employees and clients.


Who is behind this?

Andrea Matyus

Pronon Foundation



Idea pitch

We want to take the attitude and tools of organizational development to civil organizations in North- East Hungary. As these means primarily belong to the forprofit world, civil organisations especially in a peripheral region hardly have the chance to learn about them. We believe this education would help social and geographical democratization. Our aim is to train civil leaders working with minority groups to become capable of using these tools in the development of their local communities.

Where will your project idea take place?

North-East Hungary, especially Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hajdú-Bihar and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

In the peripheral areas of North- East Hungary, far from big cities, dedicated CSOs help local communities in many ways: building schools, helping families, supporting disadvantaged groups of minorities, old people or children in poverty. These organizations do not have the financial means to use organization development and management support tools in building their teams, creating strategy or fostering cooperation or personal development within their organizations. CSOs are just in the same need of these tools as the forprofit world who could afford such support. The social impact of the activity of these civil organizations is high and builds democracy and social cohesion in Hungary and in Europe.

Who are you doing it for?

OD trainings aim to involve the whole community and create an optimal framework for effective work. Community leaders will be empowered to foster better collaboration in their teams, with clients, the government and local authorities. We teach leadership skills that affect their attitude.They learn how to notice the hidden mechanisms of the organizational culture and ways to intervene to facilitate changes that helps building trust and cohesion.The stronger the team is the better it can handle change and support each other. An agile operation is built up: strategy plans are made and realized together with members of the community through sharing responsibilities and finding the best methods for decision making. With active participation everyone would feel useful in the community.

How do you plan to get there?

1. First we assess the difficulties of 10 CSOs and their leaders applying OD methods of course (Needs analysis, SWOT, diagnosis map etc.)
2. We organize specific skills development trainings focusing on the leaders, and we prepare an individual and group coaching plan. We give these leaders the chance to come together in a group and share their experiences, and with the help of a trained OD trainer, help them find solutions to their problems.
3. We facilitate and give coaching in the creation of a personal leadership development plan for each leader, focusing on real, actual, specific issues that can help their work in the future.
4. We evaluate the results achieved together. We provide training materials so that they could go on organizing their community locally.

What are the expected results?

CSO leaders will learn OD tools. They gain management knowledge, develop soft skills and self-knowledge via trainings and coaching. With better functioning leaders the organizations work better. The leaders will not only focus on their personal development, but will paralelly learn how to pass the knowledge on to their team members. The disadvantaged groups these organizations work with will enjoy the benefits of the development of their helpers. For us success means that in a year’s time the organizations are more balanced with more stable leaders who are less prone to burn-out, fluctuation is lower and their target groups’ needs are met more effectively. The civil society is given a chance to benefit from leadership training and coaching that the forprofit world has been using for long.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Forprofit companies pay fortunes for OD trainings. These tools are absolutely unknown to nonprofit organizations:the main reason is the lack of financial means. The mission of our foundation is to share this knowledge with leaders in civil organizations in three areas: in the democratization of
1.the structure
2.the daily operational routines the organizational culture
Many leaders would be able to work more effectively for the good of the people if they knew how. We want to give a know-how through trainings and individual coaching sessions aiming soft and hard skills’ development and foster more effective collaboration. With Pronon OD trainers we share our experience and knowledge that enables leaders to build, maintain and empower an active community out of local individuals

Why is this idea important to you?

Most CSOs are brought to life by people with a professional mission. They know nothing about organizational development. Work here starts enthusiastically for the benefit of the people. Then leaders get suffocated by financial insecurities, conflicts, unorganized operation. Slow by slow things get out of control. Burn out and communication breakdowns kill enthusiasm, pulling away kills mission
Now here we are, potent and trained, with the wish and knowledge to help. We are ready to share our knowledge just in the areas that best need it. We can contribute in protecting and developing leadership integrity and result in a more conscious work for society. This work gets directly to those who need it most and affect directly the most vulnerable layers of the society. It helps make lives bette

€ 57000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Project administration and project management: 12 000 EUR
Trainer, coach and supervision fees: 20 000 EUR
Travelling, accommodation and catering: 18 000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would welcome any feedback that strives to make our project better - being in relation to any part: kick-off, realization or the validation phase. We are grateful for the support with any ideas, suggestions.



Idea created on May 27, 2020

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