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No Pain No Gain | Civic Europe
Community development, We will develop the active citizenry, the democrac

No Pain No Gain


Who is behind this?

László Bicskei

Újratöltve Egyesület


Who is joining forces?

Baranya Uniós Felzárkózásáért Egyesület



Idea pitch

With the help os the sport, like a „gate activity”, we will involve and motivate the young persons and their family of the surrounding small settlements, that let a part be taken in the community life actively. We will develop the active citizenry and democracy, stability, providing a motivation and long-term aims to the target group.

Where will your project idea take place?

Hungary, Southern Transdanubia, Baranya county, Siklós city and Siklósnagyfalu village

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

With the project, we want to help cumulatively disadvantaged youth and children, who living in the surrounding villages of our headquarters. There are countless poor families in the Southern Transdanubia region, for whom "free is expensive" too. There are countless talented children living in poverty in the villages who have few opportunities in life. Sport is an activity and communication channel through which we can open the door to community development, democracy and active citizenship. We want to help them by providing a community space where they can gather, communicate and workout. Of course, youth with disabilities can do their rehabilitation preparation for free too. Our association transports everyone back and forth free of charge.

Who are you doing it for?

Our project speaks to the young persons with a underprivileged, low activity and ones availing themselves of a deficiency. We activate the target group with the help of the sport, the rehabilitation and free gym and we broaden their scope out. Many families live on the surrounding small settlements, who are poor, not active and low their ability to enforce interest. The sport may show a road to these people_nation. They may get to know the active citizenry and democracy through the sport. We help the young persons in being allowed to achieve their aim by way of the sport. Let it be fighting sport, football, bodybuilding, or only a plain hobby sport.
Our goal is to make youth successful through sport and thereby prove that they too can make their dreams come true.

How do you plan to get there?

Our aims on the directed socialisation process developed in the course of the occupations, social participation, the forming of the rights and obligations and his definition, we will reach it concerned through the mutual support, like this the target group/a community's members – the democracy and along the active citizenry's values - those tasks, set aims are accomplished, that you do not dare till now or they did not have an opportunity for him.

• Collective occupations
• Trainings
• Sport, rehabilitation
• Counsel
• Community programs

Affecting a target group:
• Motivation stretching
• The stimulation of perseverance
• The creation of stability
• The extension of field of interest
• The passing of new informations and knowledge
• Opinions clashing

What are the expected results?

Perspective aims:
• Withrow at least 50 new residents into the project
• The realisation of 100 pieces of occupation, a program
• The processing of 20 topic of democracy and active citizenry
• Make at least two small communities from heterogeneous groups
• The correction of the commitment for the act
• The correction of the deep political rift and the confidence sowed into the democracy
• The European democracy's strengthening
• Active citizenry's strengthening
• The alleviation of polarisationCreating an open civic space
• The forming of open civil space
• The strengthening of civil cohesion
• The draughting of the target group persons' long-term aims
• Social socialisation the mikrotérségben
• The strengthening of the social participation

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The aimlessness, embitterment, unmotivated are typical among the underprivileged population. We create the active citizenry's bases with the help of the sport: resoluteness, stability, perseverance and the healthy self-evaluation.
The civil society's existence was not so free always, than our days. Protection of our interests and the expression of our values, like a community, we can represent more effectively. The aim of the project to persuade the citizens into debates (on a local and union level) from the actual questions of the union political timetable.
Through the programs we impart knowledge, we built the interest the local and union topics, with the help of heterogeneous group occupations, where with a different view, opinion we encourage people to the disputation of more topics.

Why is this idea important to you?

For me important this project, because I come from here, and I know it well, what these people going through. I know it well what they need and what I would have needed when I was a child. It knows it, who came from among them, has need only apparently and experienced the deprivation and the misery. I like it always would be if they help I know it so how well will set about them if we give a road or a motivation to these people. I say this in such a way that I am a multiple Hungarian champion concerned lying pressing European champion. I think that I saw Europe in the course of my competitions how different the local life. We would like to broaden the optic range of these people_nation because of this and to announce with them, that not Hungary exists only.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

14.000 EUR - assets (to community building, sports)
14.000 EUR - training (short, a couple of children on duty trainings the active citizenry and democracy in topics)
14.000 EUR - consulting (legal and other counsels being attached to the aims of the project)
5.000 EUR - travel and rental (to the target group's transport)
3.000 EUR - leaflets (to recruitment, information)

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to receive an opinion from the full project, and if the community's members would share their experiences, their successes and their potential failures with us in connection with the similar projects, how we shall be allowed to learn from them.


Bicskei László

Idea created on May 27, 2020

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