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Nikola Tesla Network | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities

Nikola Tesla Network

Route of the great Nikola Tesla


Who is behind this?

Robert Baćac

Croatian Association for Tourist and Cultural routes „Tour Cultur“


Who is joining forces?

Association Nikola Tesla Network - Mreža Nikola Tesla


The "Nikola Tesla Network" is an international cultural and touristic route that follows the life and work of Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest Croatian, European and world scientists and inventors.


Idea pitch

The main challenge is the ignorance of citizens about the work and life of genius Nikola Tesla, without whom and his scientific breakthroughs life today might have been utterly different for the whole world’s population. Therefore, we attempt to promote his life work and importance through interactive seminars. As a great advocate of democracy, who was born in the area of today's Croatia, he should occupy a more significant place in society than he does today.

Where will your project idea take place?

Croatian counties in which Tesla has left a mark (Zagreb, Karlovac, Lika-Senj, Šibenik-Knin)

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The above mentioned are our main areas of the project, but we would like to expand it on the whole area of Croatia. Since the counties in Croatia where Tesla lived and studied mostly belong to underdeveloped areas according to the „Value of the development index and indicators for the calculation of the development index 2018“, we want citizens from other parts of Croatia to recognize the importance and true values of deprived areas. It is a great challenge to implement knowledge through project activities in order to achieve balanced societal cohesion and civic activity. By supporting locals to be involved in a broad project, which has an intention to connect many “neglected” areas, they will be empowered to take initiative in leading this project and spreading their own ideas.

Who are you doing it for?

The project is trying to engage different perspectives from the Academic community, Citizens, Innovators, Local and regional self governance, Minorities, Media representatives, Educational institutions, Youth, Educational and tourist workers, Associations and civic initiatives and Women. Target groups will be involved in a participatory approach through a sort of an idea incubator: online through a specific web platform where they will be able to give their opinions and suggestions as well as proposals and through workshops / webinars that will include brainstorming and evaluation of ideas. Each idea, opinion and proposal will be evaluated jointly and those that are enforceable in the project will be included and implemented. Number of participants in webinars: 100, in itinerary: groups

How do you plan to get there?

During the COVID-19 epidemic, online learning became increasingly popular. We believe that this is one of the better ways to involve a larger number of target groups in project activities. Therefore, we will organize 2 webinars on the topic of the Nikola Tesla Network cultural route and the importance of his persona for Croatia and the world, as well as the importance of cultural routes. At the end of each webinar, a quiz will be held that will give us an insight into how much the target groups have acquired knowledge for which they will receive a confirmation letter. On the other hand, it is very important to visit all the places where Tesla has worked so with the help of tourism professionals we will design an instructive itinerary that will take them through all important places.

What are the expected results?

Expected results of this project are strengthened democratic culture, civic awareness and civic engagement, positioning Croatia as the homeland of Nikola Tesla, thereby increasing interest in a larger number of tourists with special interest to visit Croatia, initiating knowledge about the life and influence of Nikola Tesla within Croatia. Educational seminars will be held and will include local institutions, development of knowledge about the comprehensiveness of Tesla and go beyond the borders of science (democracy). Increased interest of inhabitants of the Republic of Croatia is expected in areas where one of the world's greatest scientists has left a mark, along with a stronger and joint work on research and promotion of Tesla inventions and life.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

All citizens, as well as national minorities, regardless of cultural and religious affiliation, will have the right to participate in project activities. In underdeveloped areas we want to organize activities that will bring together the local population, while for the whole of Croatia we want to organize online webinars through which we will educate them about the great scientist Nikola Tesla, along with the cultural routes and their significant contribution to culture and tourism. Also, throughout the project we want to point out the importance of democracy in a society that greatly contributes to better social cohesion. Target groups will participate in educational activities that will promote their inclusion, equal opportunities and implementation in active citizenship.

Why is this idea important to you?

As Croatian citizens, working in the field of culture and cultural tourism, along with doing frequent scientific research as part of our daily operations, we believe that a native giant as Nikola Tesla deserves more recognition. Therefore, we devote a great portion of our Association’s activities to spreading knowledge on his contribution to science and life. Simultaneously, we actively participate in empowering small, deprived and developing communities of Croatia in the context of culture and tourism. Finally, combining these two passions of ours and fields of operation, we came up with the establishment of this very project and idea for a new cultural route, with the intention to commercialize knowledge on the life work and persona of Nikola Tesla.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Expenses - Amount (in EUR)
Personnel - 23,000
Office - 10,000
Travel and accommodation - 3,000
PR, communication and visibility - 5,000
Webinars and online platform - 9,000
TOTAL - 50,000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Any criticism or comments in general about the project relevance, idea and feasibility are welcome, along with good practice examples or future partner/network suggestions.


Tur Kultur

Idea created on May 27, 2020

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