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My Voice Matters! | Civic Europe

My Voice Matters!

Youth builds Trust and Cooperation in EUrope


Who is behind this?

Daniel Enachescu

Filiala Asociatiei Se Poate



Idea pitch

Young people are frequently singled out as displaying low levels of electoral turnout, a lack of trust in democratic institutions and signs of scepticism regarding politicians and political parties. Our objective is: Empower young people from one of the poorest regions of Romania. Target group: 15-35 years old. We will simulate the decisional process within the European Council and then support the participants to put into practice their ideas.

Where will your project idea take place?

Rosiori de Vede, Teleorman, south Romania.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Teleorman county became popular in the last years because most leaders of a political party in Romania were born here. Most of them ended up in jail accused of corruption and abuse of power. This had an awful impact in our county as tabloids and satirical press were talking about corruption and poorness of Teleorman. Also, citizens of the county suffered cyberbullying and hate speech. Overall, there was a hate movement against Teleorman and it`s citizens. This affected our region economically but mostly civically, it decreased the trust of people in Institutions, Politics and the European Union. It gave our citizens doubt, scepticism and stigma. Rosiori de Vede is one of the poorest cities in Romania so we are doing our best to boost the region with initiatives and opportunities do develop

Who are you doing it for?

We will target 3 groups: the first one: young people 15-22 years old that are still in education; 23-35 years old that are having jobs and NEETs - not in Education, Employment or Training young people. 14.8 % of the Romanian Youth are NEET and their participation in the community is crucial for development. That is why we will have 3 different simulations as the needs of the target groups are very different. There will be a big session with all the 3 groups together to exchange experiences and opinions and strengthen the communication between the target groups. We want to have a total of 75 participants (25 per session). The simulation will generate at least 10 ideas of project that will be developed with the help of our Organisation. We want to reach at least 1500 people from Rosiori.

How do you plan to get there?

The members of our NGO will meet to further share all the tasks that there will be. The first step will be to give the project an identity (logo, website and social media) and to increase its visibility. Then the call for the 3 simulation and contacting local and regional institutions to help us reach as many candidates interested as possible. We will make a kit where we will explain the whole process and what does the simulation require. The simulations will all have a resolution that will be shared with all relevant stakeholders of the municipality of Rosiori de Vede and the County decidents. A training will be made with all the participants to share conclusions and share ideas. Here we will also talk about the resources and opportunities that the participants have to implement project.

What are the expected results?

By taking part in this project, participants will be able to reach a new understanding of what it means to be an active citizen, mainly they will be empowered to speak up their desires and ideas and to take actions in order to salve their problems and needs. Develop a positive attitude towards politics and rebuild their trust in the community and National Institutions. On the long term, we want the participants to become politically active, motivate them to take part in civic or political movements and fight for their principles and values, shaping their future and the future of the next generations.
- 3 Simulations of the decision process
- 3 resolutions
- 1 training with all participants
- at least 10 local initiatives from the 75 participants
- at least 2000 reached persons

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The idea of the project is entirely aimed at increasing the interest of young people 15-35 years old at the problems of the local community and their active involvement in the processes of solving them. To boost their self-confidence and awareness and to empower their voice we will simulate the decisional process of the European Council. The resolutions obtained will be disseminated in the mass media, social media and relevant stakeholders.
The activities related to the implementation of the project include training of young people to boost active citizenship and leadership by tackling topics related to their interests and needs. At the end of the simulation, we will have training where we will offer the participants resources and tools to develop local projects. Resolve by involvement.

Why is this idea important to you?

Rosiori de Vede is one of the poorest cities in Romania so we are doing our best to boost the region with initiatives and opportunities do develop. We create a safe space for young people aged 16-35 years old to explore and develop life skills and make powerful changes in their lives using non-formal activities. It is a personal goal as we have a political background and take as a mission informing others and boost their confidence and leadership.

€ 42000,-

Total budget

€ 40500,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Staff expenses- 10 000 EUR
Equipment for the 3 simulation- 8 000 EUR
The big training and preparation of participants - 4 000 EUR
Publicity and information materials expenses- 2 000 EUR
Website development and design cost- 2 000 EUR
Materials and consumables cost- 1 500 EUR
Professional training expenses- 4 000 EUR
Implementation of local projects - 7.000 EUR
Other expenses / indirect expenses - 2 000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to hear about how to reach easily NEETs young people, how to motivate participants to be part of all stages of the project and how to strengthen the sustainability of the project.



Georgiana Marcu

Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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