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Education and research, Human rights


Child Peer to Peer School Medition in reaction to COVID -19, empowering community to safeguarding and promoting campaign about online rights of children and eliminating violence against children


Who is behind this?

Lívia Bott Domonkos



Who is joining forces?

Hintalovon Gyermekjogi Alapítvány



Idea pitch

Online security and children rights are challenges of the community in current educational in schools of Hungary and Slovakia. There is an urgent need of assuring security for children who are victims of online violence with campaign. Aim of the project is to support educational institutions with MORE KIDS RIGHTS education, peer-to peer mediation and prevention of cyberbullying. Interest of the target groups is high for the topic, workshops, debates, trainings will help to have LESS VIOLENCE.

Where will your project idea take place?

Southern Slovakia, campaign online 5 districts, supervision and seminars in Hungary (Budapest)

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Project challenges schools became providers of online education from one day to another, parents became online teachers and teachers became IT professionals.If adults and awareness raising campaigns do not suddenly react to the online safety of kids properly,it can escalate and turn into cyberbullying. According to Safer Internet EU program every third child have already encountered some form of online violence. In Hungary and Slovakia this number is even higher, as there was no prior devoted attention to the topic before COVID-19. There are registered hundreds of new online crimes yearly and children suffer from mental health issues. This problem can be solved with partnership advocacy cooperation. Regional educational institutions, competencies and IT skills are similar in the region.

Who are you doing it for?

The project provides support for target groups, both for students and adults, because "internet was invented for adults, but children use it more dangerous way." Share a concise and appealing text that summarizes our idea, m. We decided to involve in our project young people from13 till 19 years, for several reasons. The last year has increased the time they spent alone, relegating confront with peers on a virtual scale. In a certain age such as the transition from childhood to self-sufficiency, the need for an autonomous and free space to express themselves. They should know how exactly online and how safe is it.
In our field of activity, adolescence is a very difficult target to reach and involve in active way. The way to achieve cooperation is generational bridges and peer mediation.

How do you plan to get there?

Students spend most of their time at school and online. Schools teach online conflicts and children's safety now mainly in online environment. In 2020 survey (Hintalovon) were shocking data on execution of online rights by children. Common goal is the prevention approach and advocacy. Our methods and steps:
1.RESEARCH -access to information is becoming easier. Therefore, educators must be prepared to address online safety and prevent online crime. The latest research in the field of cyberbullying of children is sad news in Hungary and Slovakia.It is time to retest.
2. EDUCATIONAL BOX - Partners have long been dedicated to vocational training, development of IT solutions and advocacy for children's rights.
3. PEER TO PEER MEDIATION - Due to the coronavirus, every second parent has become an online teacher since spring 2020., but the danger is also growing.
4.DIGITALSKILLS IT platform - When teaching online, there are more and more dangers. As online space grows, crime grows.
5.DEBATES -community safeguarding means advocacy and discussions between adults and teachers
6. DIGITAL PARENTS CAMPAIGN - we dedicate this topic on social networks, but professionally Partner provide know-how in Hungary.
7. CROSS GENERATION & CROSS BORDER WORK -experience show that there has been a significant increase in children's online presence on the Internet in recent years.

What are the expected results?

Project provides the following solutions, procedures, options and services in response to problems provide RESULTS:
• 1 survey at schools in Slovakia and Hungary about legislation, ICT education
• 1 ICT platform - during the project online consultants via chat counseling probono
• 4-10 institutional and school cooperation with Hungarian institution and Slovak school partners
• 1 database - processing of professional l questions during the exchange of know-how
• 1 counseling platform - online and digital knowledge base, secure demonstration of e-learning
• 1 DIGITALSKILLS campaign for adults
• 1 conference with presentation of results
• 1 online training series for adults
• 1 series of public discussion and debates
set up of therapeutically online chat free help line

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

In order to achieve a long-term goal for safer online education of children, mentoring at school is based on several mediation, coaching and professional meetings (IT, law, child rights, conflict resolution). The current situation between three target groups (student, teacher, parent) and the program should be evaluated in a methodological manual. Also the training should be developed on the basis of identified current needs.Community members will get actively involved in the debates, campaign, seminars, training so they can share, like and comment. Also the digital parent club online safeguarding clubs can increase quality of life. We will give voice for children via campaign and influence decision makers in order to have a safe and happy childhood.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our team of experts:
1.Meszaros Krisztina - coach, teacher, mentoring process for schools, helping critical thinking techniques to reach students via school mediaton,she explains how to react on online bully.
2.Erika Toth- teacher, who prefers frontal education and knowledge transfer gets close to kids through online conflict resolution with art therapy plays
3.Alzbeta Jakubecz- social media manager and webpage editor, who can run campaigns and work with texts
4.dr.Livia Bott Domonkos,regional development ex, university co-worker, trainer, co-mediator with 15 years of experience in NGO sector running online counselorpage was her idea.
5. dr.Bardossy Santa Nora-president of Hintalovon Foundation, Children Rights lawyer, Pro Bono Center leader.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Project & Financial Management 7000 EUR
Travel and accommodation costs 1000 EUR,
PR, media, campaign (including Digitalskills Grant ) 6000 EUR
Educational materials and research 5000 EUR
Personnel costs and trainers 10 000 EUR
External technical services 3000 EUR
Partner budget for Supervision and Child Rights counseling 3000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to receive feedback and ideas on campaign and educational activities, especially for audience that it is not familiar with child rights. Please share if you know similar approaches, or other kind of approaches in tackling similar issues. Kid's safety is our priority. Many thanks!


OZ FutuReg


Hintalovon Child Rights Foundation

Idea created on April 26, 2021

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