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Islands of diversity | Civic Europe
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Islands of diversity

To create an intercultural dialogue space and participation process between a diverse group of young men and women and local governments in remote towns of Mallorca based on effective communication


Who is behind this?

Vanesa Corrales Argurmanez

Fons Mallorquí de Solidaritat i Cooperació



Idea pitch

According to the UN, youth and multiculturality are key elements to build an active citizenship society. However, their lack of dialogue spaces and tools. In this context, cultural diversity will be a starting point to strengthen the intercultural dialogue about the challenges and needs faced by youth. In addition, local authorities will reflect on their role in addressing this process, promoting active citizen participation, all from an inclusive approach in the long term in Mallorca.

Where will your project idea take place?

North of Mallorca, Spain: remote towns as Sa Pobla with a high number of immigrants residents

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

In a world of rising inequalities, local governments play a critical role in promoting sustainable development. They are the front-liners to respond to resident’s challenges. At the same time, the role of youth and diversity groups is becoming crucial for the development of cohesive and resilient societies. In the Balearic Islands immigration represents 33% of the total population and youth population 37, 8%. This population has different socio-cultural profiles causing differences between rich and poor and segregation, above all in remote areas where the major number of young immigrant residents lives. In this context, a recent diagnostic from the Consell of Mallorca on 2020 recognizes that there are barriers and needs to involve these groups in active participation processes and spaces.

Who are you doing it for?

Target groups: We will create 3 groups in 3 remotes towns. Each group will be composed by 15-20 young men and women from different socio-cultural backgrounds and nationalities, all of them between 18 and 30 years old, with special focus on young women, all of them with different profiles: activist, workers, students involved in democracy, human rights, environment, gender, influencing policymakers.
Local authorities and their representatives will participate in the processes, under 30 years old.

Representatives of local authorities (under 30 years old): The project involves at least 3 local authorities from towns where there are a relevant number of youth immigrants or local young men and women

How do you plan to get there?

- Launching the project and advocacy with local authorities
- Identifying participants through local allies: local authorities, university, NGOs
- Selecting young participants through personal interviews.
- First group meeting to establish a working plan and conducting a needs assessment where participants will debate through dynamics and game roles which are the main challenges.
- The Dialogue Labs: 3 workshops in 3 remote areas to empower participants through innovative communications tools and methods to communicate their ideas to local authorities.
- Digital camp days: 3 online debates based the need’s assessment results and the relevance of intercultural dialogue and citizenship participation on the 2030 Agenda.
- On line intercultural dialogue platform.

What are the expected results?

1. Local authorities are committed with their role in addressing intercultural dialogue and about models and techniques of communication to approach it including young women and young minorities.
2.Young participants from diverse groups (including women and minorities) are engaged in their role and the value of effective communication in the framework of intercultural dialogue and citizenship participation.
3. Young participants can draft, present, and debate citizen proposals between them and with local authorities.
4. Local authorities and young participants are aware of the role of digital tools and media literacy in promoting citizen engagement.
5.Local authorities and young participants find new alliances and opportunities based on dialogue with peers.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our idea strengths democracy and active citizenship by:
-Promoting advocacy on local government about the value of intercultural dialogue and participation involving diversity groups of youth.
-Promoting dialogue spaces as a key process to articulate sustainable development.
-Using new tools and methods aimed at local administrations and multicultural youth citizenship
-Fostering and articulating multilevel platforms for intercultural dialogue and participation in remote areas of the island.
-Empowering immigrants and local groups of youth in decision making through communication and digital tools.

Why is this idea important to you?

We are fully committed with the 2030 Agenda and the citizen participation the cultural exchange are perfect tools include the 3 pillars of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.
We think that by promoting open active spaces, we will help to create frameworks where topics as global citizenship, development cooperation, sustainable development and solidarity can be included in a citizen’s life and at local policies
We look for raising awareness about the impact of action at a global and local level in the economic, social and environmental areas.

€ 46400,-

Total budget

€ 46400,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Main expenses are:

Human Resources: a technical staff for 1 year to develop advocay, create 3 groups and implement training on citizenship participation (30 252,73 euros) in remote towns.

Communication and visibility cost: 6.350,00 euros

Communication and coordination: 7.802,40

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Strategies to involve and develop advocacy with local authorities as sometimes is very challenging to achieve their commitment, especially in very small municipalties.



Idea created on May 26, 2020

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