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Environment and sustainability, Community development, Social inclusion, Rural development, Solidarity, T


Local sustainability in a rural context


Who is behind this?


Udruga ISTARSKO-Ekomuzej iz Vodnjana


Who is joining forces?

INFORMO-udruga za poticanje zapošljavanja, stručnog usavršavanja i obrazovanja



Idea pitch

INTERNATURAL aims to tackle the problem of passivity of the rural community by actively engaging different local stakeholders in creating and executing activities which will help the sustainable personal, professional, business and territorial development.Through a series of carefully developed workshops and by enabling the use of different creative spaces where they could grow their own food, learn and become teachers we will empower the local community and communicate a positive change!

Where will your project idea take place?

City of Vodnjan, population 6 100, with its surrounding rural area, Region of Istria, Croatia

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The city of Vodnjan shares the issues of many rural communities of the western world- lack of intergenerational solidarity, economic integration and a sense of togetherness and community. With the 21st century lifestyle these values need to be revisited so that the knowledge of older generations gets transferred and the spirit of solidarity awakened. INTERNATURAL offers a place for the exchange of ideas, skills and knowledge where generations meet, diversity is celebrated and no one is left out. Keeping the young people within the rural area by offering content, involving the older generation by generating a sense of purpose, including children and disabled people as the most vulnerable groups through education and recreation.

Who are you doing it for?

ECOMUSEUM as a form focuses on the identity of the community, therefore its aim is to engage the local community as a whole and leaving no one out. The INTERNATURAL project will specifically aim to engage the most vulnerable groups in the community: children and children with disabilities, senior citizens, minority members, people with disabilities and young people within the NEET status. By creating focus groups with the above mentioned stakeholders we aim to create content together, to be able to utilize everyones skill set best and to ensure that the right beneficiaries are reached.

How do you plan to get there?

The project will consist of a number of different activities and we want to give a chance for the voice of the community to be heard in terms of people communicating their needs first. By creating focus groups we will define not only the need of different target groups but also the skills and knowledge already possessed by citizens who are willing to share these skills. Through workshops, presentations, work and volunteer actions we will provide the locals with spaces where they can share and express themselves creatively, all the while being both teachers and students. Forming a community garden, having a place fully equipped for food processing, learning about their heritage are just some of the activities we will tackle through the learn by doing method.

What are the expected results?

An active citizen is the one who not only practices his civil rights and obligations such as voting, but also improves his local community in any way possible, whether by planting a garden or by teaching a neighbour how to prune olives. By directly involving about 500 beneficiaries we aim to create a multiplicative effect which will continue to move the community as a whole and foster local sustainable projects. A year from now, we will have a community garden: a place to grow food and learn about organic agriculture, at least 5 activities a month of locals sharing their skills and passion (knitting, poetry, pottery,..) and thus a more bonded, stronger local community where diversity is more than welcome.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

By actively involving local stakeholders in both the creation and execution of content we hope to overcome the aura of passive citizenship and to create an environment were all voices are heard. Being able to be on both sides of each end- to share own skills and knowledge and learn from others, will generate new ideas and projects as well as engage a greater number of beneficiaries in the project.

Why is this idea important to you?

The ECOMUSUEM was founded in order to improve the local quality of life, promote the values of cooperation, work and solidarity among its members, the local community and out visitors. The feeling of belonging, taking care of the preservation of the oldest traditions and the search for quality are the source of our inspiration. Our ethical approach has a special focus on social integration of disabled people. Our association is a meeting point for people all over the world who share the desire to develop a better society and enjoy nature. We love what we do and are passionate about it.

€ 72500,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnel cost 18.000,00 EUR
Materials for activities 40.000,00 EUR
Communication and dissemination 7.000,00 EUR
Photo and video documentation: 5.000,00 EUR
Making of promo video: 2.500,00 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Feedback on the clarity of the project proposal



Udruga Alternativa

Idea created on May 27, 2020

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