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HumanBodyText | Civic Europe
Community development

HumanBodyText winner

Setting up a community mediastudio in North-East Hungary and spreading quality citizen journalism (vlogs, podcasts, blogs) among young people.


Who is behind this?

Zoltán Weil

Journalist's Association of Eger


Who is joining forces?

Harmónium Independent Communication Association


Labor Eger Association



Idea pitch

In the HBT project we are creating a well-equipped community studio for young vloggers, podcasters, bloggers with 24/7 access. We help participants become familiar with the responsibility and technique of the media and principles like factuality, science, humanism, progress and democracy.
News consumption requires some educational background. Those who have studied music can understand it better and they are more critical of the pieces and their interpretations.

Where will your project idea take place?

Our project will be implemented in Eger sub-region and parts of Heves and BAZ counties in Hungary.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The state is the largest employer in our region. Most people depend on the state and the political group that governs the state. The entire media market (radios, TVs, print press) belongs to the circles of the majority party. Only a few low-budget independent media exist in the online space. In larger cities, the situation is a little better, but no information reaches the villages that is independent of the propaganda press.
At the same time, a lot of high school and college students commute and maintain contact between the city and the countryside. Due to the online educational constraints of the Covid-19 crisis, the online activity and communication of young people has multiplied. Many of them have become content providers in social media.

Who are you doing it for?

The target group is young people who use social media, high school and college students living in North-East Hungary and their families. We also involve young people belonging to the Roma communities cooperating with our organizations.
Many people are unable to start podcasts and vlogs because they don’t have technical equipment and IT knowledge. They are attracted to the fact that professional mixers, cameras, microphones etc. and a studio become available to them in the project. The only requirement is to learn how to operate them, and become aware of the basic rules of journalistic ethics.
The journalists involved in the project can also learn new skills as they are given the opportunity to understand the thinking of a generation that no longer consumes traditional media.

How do you plan to get there?

We are looking for young people who are intensely interested in using social media. Recruitment takes place in the region’s high schools, universities, NGOs, Roma and LMBTQ communities and social media.
The screening
Applicants will be asked to present material (film, sound, written material) in the format of their choice, followed by a personal interview. Applicants whose goals and statements are the same as those of the project will be given the opportunity to be members of an editorial team.
The editorial team
This team is a group of 6-8 people with a “editor-in-chief” mentor. During the project we are planning to work in three teams (approx. 20 people). When assembling teams, we strive for equal gender balance and the most colorful ethnic composition possible.

What are the expected results?

Our goal is that by the end of the project at least half of the participants become active content owners having their own Youtube, Podcast, Tik-Tok etc. channels, blog, or for example operate a news portal.
Participants make their contents available on the site and The goal is to have at least 10,000 engagements (like, share, reaction, answer etc.) by the end of the project.
At the end of the HBT project, we are going to organize a conference where we are going to present a methodological handbook summarizing the experiences of the project, to help people who want to start a project in the field of citizen journalism.
At the end of the project, the activity will not stop, we will continuously operate the community studio from our own resources.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The HBT project helps young people become vloggers, podcasters, bloggers, i.e. influencers in their own community. Through citizen journalism, they can play an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating information. They can also implement the control and publicity function of the press being given the opportunity, tools, interface and training to express their opinions.
The HBT Club provides community space 24/7. They will have the opportunity to invite media personalities who they are interested in. Professional mentors, coaches acquaint them with how democratic society works. They can understand how publicity can help the development of a local community. HBT will be an important pillar of local participatory democracy.

Why is this idea important to you?

We believe that a paradigm shift in the media requires a new approach at local level as well. Young people communicate on different platforms than their parents. Therefore, they cannot receive usable orientation patterns from either the family or society.
However universal values must be protected again and again. Respect for each other, respect for facts, the power of cooperation, the idea of enlightenment and democracy are core values that must prevail regardless of platform.
In the HBT project, we intend to transfer this knowledge. We take advantage of the fact that the most prestigious journalists from the left, liberal and conservative media stand by us in this mission. Because our core values are common.

€ 41000,-

Total budget

€ 39000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Studio equipments (laptop, camera, mixer, microphone etc.): 17,000 EUR
Office expenses (renting costs, owerhead, stationery) : 5,000 EUR + 2,000 EUR own contribution.
Personnel costs (mentors, trainers, project manager, book keeper, community organizer): 17,000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We are planning international programs in the future and to share our experiences and our methodological handbook with young people during/after the program so we would be pleased to swap opinions with other NGOs in this field and cooperate in common projects.

Project Journey

Road to impact

The sounds unchained

The HumanBodyText project started in November 2020, in the middle of the second wave of the pandemic. At the beginning the main goal was to build a community studio in the Labor Collective House. Fortunately, the Covid situation did not affect the investment, and we were able to order and build in all the pieces of equipment.

Our Padcasts:

In early 2021, we launched a civil journalism program for students and minority groups. We held ZOOM meetings every week and following the epidemiological rules, opened the studio for editorial teams. During the one-year-long program we planed to cooperate with three editorial teams (cca. 20 people). In fact, by March we already had 8 teams, which make podcast, vlogs, and blogs. It means the reality exceeded our previous expectations.

Poster for HBT event:


HBT in the news:

At the moment we are rebooting the Labor House. We have left behind the zoom fatigue, and have started offline meetups.

Labor on May 28, 2021





Idea created on May 19, 2020
Last edit on Aug. 3, 2020

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