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Horodyszcze paints the New Green Deal | Civic Europe
Community development, Youth participation and empowerment

Horodyszcze paints the New Green Deal shortlist

Painting eco-murals at bus stops will complete the process of working on the rules of caring for the common good, agreeing with the residents and municipal authorities on the design of the murals


Who is behind this?

Alina Kozińska-Bałdyga

Federation for Educational Initiatives


Who is joining forces?

The Youth Council of the Wisznice Commune


Young Women Christian Association Polska YWCA


The Union of Rural Communes of the Republic of Poland


School, Rural Housewives’ Assoc, Volunteer Fire Brigade, Patch Polska, NGOs: "Kraina Rumianku", Civis Polonus, Institute for Sustainable Development, NOT - Informatyka, EdTech, J.Korczak Association


Idea pitch

Bus stops are destroyed by young people. They do not think that it is a common good, cost of renewal is a burden to the common budget. The project will develop-rules of caring for the common good based on the 8 rules by E.Ostrom (Nobel Prize winner 2009) -murals promoting the New Green Deal. After consulting the rules and designs of murals, the approval of residents and authorities, obtaining money for paints, the young people will paint the bus stops. The rules and murals will be presented

Where will your project idea take place?

Horodyszcze, Wisznice commune, Lublin voivodeship, east of Poland

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The SWOT analysis of the Social Policy Strategy of the Lubelskie Voivodeship 2021-2030 shows that the challenge is: • Low regional identity among youth; • Too few strong and enduring social leaders; • Lack of broad civic education • Low social activity of residents in the implementation of activities aimed at solving social problems in the local community and their own environment; • Migration, especially of young and educated people; • A small number of NGOs in small towns and in rural areas; The challenge is to create conditions for active, educated youth not to migrate, but to develop their native villages

Who are you doing it for?

We want to base our action on partnership cooperation with the Youth Commune Council. We will prepare them to be active now and in adulthood in their own commune through civic education and strengthening relations. We start with the village school (YCC President is a student). An important element of civic education will be economic education teaching responsibility for the common good. Work on the 8 rules of E.Ostrom will be important for building intergenerational cooperation - with the inhabitants of the village. Another area will be cooperation between young people from different villages. It will be important to build a sense of pride in one's own commune when promoting the project in other places - in the neighboring communes, in Lubelskie Voivodeship and all over Poland

How do you plan to get there?

The basis of the project is work with young people. As adults, they will shape the life of the local community. We want them to feel responsible for the place where they live now. We are planning 6 types of workshops: 1. Education of Youth Community Councils (Civis Polonus Foundation), 2. New Green Deal (Institute for Sustainable Development), 3. Leadership (YWCA), 4. Civic and Economic Education, 8 principles, fundrising, ( FIO) 5. Artistic (Kraina Rumianku), 6. Marketing and on-line promotion (The Union of Rural Communes of the RP, Ed-Tech Found, NOT-Informatyka). As a result of the workshops young people will develop the principles of caring for the common good and design murals at bus stops. The theme of the murals will be the Green Deal. We want young people to meet the challenges related to the climate and the environment, bio-diversity, the circular economy. The area related to the finances of the commune will be important. We want young people to understand that the commune's budget is a shared budget. The materials will be on the internet. Based on them, debates, consultations and individual talks will be organized in a way that allows everyone to express their opinion. The rural rules accepted by the meeting will be presented to the Wisznice Municipality Council. Members of the Youth Municipality Council will be encouraged to conduct similar debates in their villages

What are the expected results?

1. gaining knowledge about the Green Deal 2. development of rules for caring for the common good in Horodyszcze based on 8 rules by E.Ostrom. 3.preparation of the repainting of the stops,4.acquiring the ability to conduct the consultation process with other residents and municipal authorities,5. acquisition of the ability to obtain funds and materials for implementation (painting murals): 6. renovation of stops, painting murals, 7. acquiring the ability to present experiences to other interested groups of young people in other villages, communes and regions by the YCC,8. increasing the commitment and responsibility of young people for the common good, 9. getting to know the processes and rules of formal operation of the local community,how the local government and commune authorities work

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our project responds to the real need expressed by people from Horodyszcze. Adult villagers are annoyed that youth destroy bus stops. The project will be based on the working method of Janusz Korczak. It is a method of full participation and responsibility of young people for actions. Young people are to search for knowledge and information, make decisions and implement them. We - adults will only support them in this, share our experiences at our disposal. We will ask questions and the young people will answer them. Young people have a huge amount of knowledge at their disposal on the Internet. We only have to help them believe that by acting together, guided by their love for their little village and their minds, they can do great things.

Why is this idea important to you?

The FIO supported the process of transferring 3 schools to non-governmental organizations in Wisznice commune 12 years ago. The commune administrator was a participant in the project implemented by the FIO. In 2019, Patch-Polska launched its warehouse here. Patch Polska and FIO are working together to establish the Educational Initiatives Fund. The experiences from this project will be useful in creating the Educational Initiatives Fund. For the implementation of the project, a mixed management team will be appointed - it will be composed of persons delegated from the local environment and external cooperating organizations (12 people in total). Trainers from cooperating organizations will be employed to conduct the workshops.

€ 34400,-

Total budget

€ 34400,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Trainers' salaries - 11,842 Euro
Salaries of authors of materials, coordinator and assistant - 12,758 Euro
Administration - 5.827 Euro
Travel, accommodation, meals - 3.097 Euro
Promotion - 876 Euro
A total of 34,400 Euro

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We want to know how young people from other regions of Europe work for their small communities, common good and the New Green Deal. We are open to developing and improving our solutions based on partnership cooperation with non-governmental organizations from other countries


Federation for Educational Initiatives


Idea created on April 26, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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