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HOpen (Hope + Open) Garden | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Community development

HOpen (Hope + Open) Garden

Open the Garden’s doors to local community


Who is behind this?

Sofia Raichande

Flor de Murta


Who is joining forces?

Almasã - Almada Special Education Center


supports disabled children and young people in Pediatric Rehabilitation, with educational, clinical, social, and charitable assistance, ensuring the continuation of this care after in adulthood


Idea pitch

Empower the students to improve and maintain the garden, as a way of occupation, and developing handcrafted products made with the garden’s production (teas and jams) for the dissemination of their work and achieving some income that complements the existing one. Give to people a sense of usefulness. Publicize the project and create relationships with the rest of the local community. Transform the garden into a community gathering place.

Where will your project idea take place?

Almada, Portugal, separated from Lisbon by Tagus River that creates a social and economic barrier

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Almada is a municipality bordering Lisbon, where many of the people who work in the capital live. The economy of the population is very dependent of Lisbon.
Generally is a middle class population but with some depressed areas where the population has economic difficulties. Our specific target audience is made up of families, some in need, with dependents with disabilities, which makes their financial and social condition more difficult. we believe that the development of local projects can help to improve the economy of these families and the associations that support them. Empowering teachers to motivate students and students themselves for their autonomy through the realization of concrete products, will be a stimulus in this regard

Who are you doing it for?

The development of this project will allow the general population to meet this group of people with disabilities and their families. They will be moments of direct contact between the different groups at fairs, markets and other events promoting artisanal products, dando a conhecer a diferente realidade de cada um.

How do you plan to get there?

The process is very practical and consists of working with the students to:
1) Use of the existing garden as a production site;
2) Adaptation of the school kitchen and canteen for artisanal production and product packaging.
3) creation of the project's brand image and graphic material with the group and dissemination by local entities;
4) establishing contacts for participation in fairs, markets and other relevant events.

What are the expected results?

if the project is developed, in a year from now we will be producing several articles and with expected dates of participation in different events. We will have created working groups with students to guarantee the production of articles and their commercialization and dissemination of the project. The sale of these products will improve the support given by the institution to the students' families and guarantee the continuity of the project, total or partial, for the following years.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The group of people we work with are elements that are generally excluded from society due to their disability. For the majority of the population, contact with people with disabilities is not easy. The development of this project intends to bring the population to school and take the products and some students out of school, to meet the community, creating paths for a greater inclusion of this fringe of the population, giving them the opportunity to express themselves and make themselves known, as well as their capabilities, weaknesses, thus creating new opportunities.

Why is this idea important to you?

After a year of work in creating the garden garden, it is important to create a focus to continue the work and motivate students. The possibility of creating something more than a place to stay, which has been very cherished by everyone, enhances the meetings and visits of the population outside this meeting space. Me and the other members of Flor de Murta will be just the catalysts for these meetings with the community.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Production costs (plants, substrate, fertilizers, gardening tools, packaging material, etc…): 5.000€
Graphic material (site improvement, labels, flyers, etc…): 5.000€
Personnel costs (includes coordination and trainers): 20.000€
Transport (includes also students special transport for events): 3000€
Office expenses: 2000€

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

our specificity is the working group of people with disabilities and agricultural production activities. Any sharing on these topics that can help us improve our project or marketing and sales techniques at a later stage to better publicize the school's products, will be most useful.



Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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