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Growing Together | Civic Europe
Community development, Put in value life in the rural-Sustainable develop

Growing Together

Spaces for meeting, reflection and struggle uniting the existing paths of knowledge and structures, with new opportunities and activities that generate real possibilities of life in this rural area.


Who is behind this?

César Rodríguez Senra

Atopándonos - Dereitos, Rural e Diversidade (Finding us- Rights, Rural and Diversity)


Who is joining forces?

Asociación Boa Vida Inclusión Activa


Through the Boa Vida Association, two of us are partially hired and have been able to start social projects in the area. We could say that thanks to our partner, our association was born.


Idea pitch

Strengthen and weave the community network by promoting its participation in facing the difficulties that come with living in our rural environment, such as highlighting its benefits.
For this we want to bring together and develop in common the skills necessary to promote debate, the exchange of ideas, active participation, mutual support, the acquisition of social, environmental and democratic values, with the people of our community as protagonists of the model of participatory coexistence.

Where will your project idea take place?

Mainly in the municipality of Pontedeva, Ourense, which has 500 inhabitants in 27 villages.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

We live in an aging environment, 44% older than 65 years, without public transport and almost no leisure alternatives (two classes of pilates and two bars) and less for young people.
The somewhat larger nuclei are 30 minutes away by car and the city is 1 hour away.
The corresponding school is located in the adjoining municipality, Padrenda, where the number of students between 3 and 16 years of age has gradually decreased.
Many young people when they turn 16 move to cities to live to finish or continue their studies, so the population settlement is less and less.
There are almost no meeting or participation spaces, and those that exist, such as the city council's open plenary session every 3 months, nobody attends.

Who are you doing it for?

Our project has 3 main and interrelated lines or groups:
1. Youth of the community and outlines. Approximately 40 young people in school between 12 and 16 years old, and approximately 20 young people between 16 and 25 years old who no longer attend school.
2. Community: Population from 0 to 100 years in 27 villages. 500 registered people, of which 250 to 300 live together every day of the year.
3. Forest community: There are 4 forest communities in our municipality, only 2 are active, with neighboring municipalities also counting theirs.

How do you plan to get there?

-Interlocution with the people and groups involved.
We want all interested people to be part of the process, the content to be discussed, the dates and times of the meeting, etc.
-Accompany and not lead. Our methodological vision is based on the autonomy of people and their processes, so in sessions and meetings, we will always walk where people and the group want and need. Our vision is based on putting the person at the center.
-Continuous assessment. Another fundamental pillar is the continuous evaluation of the process and of the methods and dynamics used, so that you can see and know the satisfaction of people with the process you are following.

What are the expected results?

Increase and strengthen the feeling of autonomy of community.
Infuse our community with democratic and human values.
Increase the active participation of neighbours in existing democratic mechanisms.
Improve the vision and appreciation of young people and other neighbours in our environment and life in rural areas.
Acquisition of skills and knowledge that facilitate the expression of needs, ideas, individual proposals as common, by the participants.
Formulation of proposals by the community to improve the quality of life in our environment.
Creation of initiatives that add to our well-being.
Not be necessary to maintain new habits of learning and joint growth.
Accompany the creation of new associations.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

-Facilitating meeting spaces, thus strengthening the community fabric and the creation of new support networks.
- Offering learning spaces in democratic values and taking into account what is contemplated in the 2030 Agenda, increasing the capacity and abilities of participation, responsibility and justice,let them become habits.
- Bringing the institutional mechanisms of participation closer to our neighbors, facilitating the use of them and therefore for the active participation of the population in our democratic rights.
- Supporting existing groups, strengthening and improving their functioning and therefore practicing community care against individualism.

Why is this idea important to you?

We firmly believe that an empowered, democratic and participatory community is a community where people live better and more freely. We are excited to be able to live in a place where we fight together for the well-being of all people and where more people want to come and live for this reason.
Being able to create employment for us and for more people while generating community, well-being and sustainability is a dream we are walking towards.

€ 40000,-

Total budget

€ 40000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

-Personnel costs 30,000
2 Social Educators: 20,000 Euros .1 Forest Engineering: 10,000 Euros
- Management, insurance, rent: 3,000 Euros
- Material, Transport: 3000 Euros
- Support for initiatives: 4000 Euros

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Always open and available to listen to proposals, ideas that add up and other perspectives / filters on how to approach our depopulation challenge.




Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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