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From Grandma with Love: A Legacy of Values | Civic Europe
Community development, Social inclusion

From Grandma with Love: A Legacy of Values

Strengthen civic engagement and social and political participation on the local level by sharing culinary traditions to improve their skills in using digital technologies.


Who is behind this?

Iliana Georgieva

Green Industry innovations and technology transfer Foundation



Idea pitch

We will create a living laboratory for social and technological activities. The idea is to work for increased knowledge and new technological skills by sharing culinary traditions.
The main goal of the project is to increase the social integration of older people (over 60 years) of different backgrounds, who by sharing culinary traditions to improve their skills in using digital technologies and to strengthen civic engagement and social and political participation.

Where will your project idea take place?

Kyustendil, South West Bulgaria

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The aging process, as well as migration of young people abroad, leads to the aging process of the population in the region.
Socio-economic changes reflect on the social status of people in the region. For older people, the new conditions are a potential risk factor for their dignified existence. This requires adequate action in the social sphere, focused on a new component - social services aimed at living conditions, cultural interests, inclusion in public life, etc.

Who are you doing it for?

Our target groups are women (over 55) of different backgrounds and young people from Kyustendil region.

How do you plan to get there?

An innovative training program and online platform will be developed that will enable older people to become filmmakers and creators. Using new technologies and mentoring support, they will develop innovative digital culinary materials in the form of small online videos through their smartphones.
In addition information campaign (online+offline) including lectures, discussions, podcasts, thematic workshops etc. related to social participation will be organized.
The idea will be implemented in several steps as follow:
1. Creating a unique mobile kitchen and social cafe - an electric truck that will be equipped as a social cafe.
2. Developed an innovative training program and online platform
3. Design and publish of book with recipes
4. Awareness campaigns in regional schools that will involve young volunteers.
5= Media campaigns with celebrities

What are the expected results?

- Increased civic engagement and social and political participation of women above 60 years
- Increased civic engagement and social and political participation of young people
- Developed an innovative training program for digital skills and social rights
- Developing an online platform that will be a bridge between generations and will present the cultural heritage of the region.
- 3 awareness-raising campaigns
- - 3 Media campaigns

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Through the implementation of the project, women over 60 will participate actively in local life through intergenerational dialogue, gain trust in the local community in which they live, and be educated to use modern technologies for communication.

Why is this idea important to you?

We are a non for profit nonpolitical and non-government organization that aims to ensure better living of people by both preserving our environment and ensuring social inclusion of vulnerable groups. We are doing this by promoting new and green technologies.

€ 45000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Employment costs: 12.000,00€
Equipment: 5.500,00€
Costs of external services: 9.000,00€
Material costs: 3.500,00€
Volunteers: 1.5000,00€
Costs of education, round tables, materials: 2.500,00€
Other costs (per diems, hall rental): 1.000,00€

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Every comment or feedback is important for the project and will be appriciated.



Idea created on April 19, 2021
Last edit on April 19, 2021

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