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Establishment of a civic association in Chepelare | Civic Europe
Community development, Environment and sustainability

Establishment of a civic association in Chepelare


Who is behind this?

Dimitar Asenov

"Chepelare's future" planned organization



Idea pitch

The idea is to be made a strong local civic association which would be involved in the local management in municipality of Chepelare. The local municipality problems are very similar to а lot of the problems in other small Bulgarian towns. This project would be good example for them. The project would be focused on public places the street levels in the municipality Chepelare and Chepelare town. The civic will be educated and organized in local public civic network. They would determine

Where will your project idea take place?

The project will be focused in Chepelare municipality Smolyan district in Rhodopy mountain

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Our municipality is located in a very nice mountainous area which currently a lot of people is moving out and goes to the big cities. We believe that if we can motivate them to actively participate in to the solving municipality problems we will make them more interested and then they will be able to make the place more satisfying to their life needs and development and will make them stay in.

Who are you doing it for?

People from Chepelare town and municipality who will participate in building a civic association. It will be composed of town public places and the municipality streets neighbors.
We will also represent our activities to local stakeholders:
-the municipality
- forestry cooperatives - this is the most widespread branch in the region,
-the ski factory in the town,
- the local Hoteliers and Restaurateur and tourist associations
- The education
-The administrations
- The banks
-The sport associations
- The businesses and others

How do you plan to get there?

Initially, we will work with the group of neighbors who have progressive thinking and young people, after which is expected that they will be able to convince the others to participate in the future association. The work will gone by/ via talking directly to the people ,social internet medias, local radio and cable tv ,seminars forum and website.
STAGE 1 -3months .
Get together people for the seminars. Website creation that will be used to promote the project activities. Project idea presentation and people recruitment for participation in the seminars and trainings. Conducting seminars and trainings with the selected groups. Local website advert.
STAGE2– 3 months
Selection of people and stakeholders who will participate in the forums and the project implementation. Defining the problems and priorities them and preparation of an action plan for solution.
STAGE3-3 months
Neighborhood associations formation on the municipal streets level and division of the problems into those that can be implemented without the intervention of the municipality and organizing their implementation. Forming 4 streets and 1 public place to be made as a pilot one by which other civic will be able to take an example to make their the same one. And problems that will be presented for implementation in to the municipality and will be monitored subsequently for their implementation.

What are the expected results?

Creating active citizen associations that will be able to actively participate in the municipality management and as a result of that they will be able to make the municipality much better place, more attractive tourist center and to keep young people to stay in the municipaliy and return others from abroad and big cities.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our idea will be able to make the local civic associations strong and to continue working both independently after the completion of the project and in partnership with the municipality. They will acquire a routine in solving problems.

Why is this idea important to you?

Mission: The strong developed civil society network will have better country management in which will make it better place for living and development.
The people who are included in the team know the people and are born or live long in the town and have experience that will help us to implement the project and will build strong civic association.
Dimitar Assenov- experience as a project coordinator and knows the civic association work in England
Georgi Popov- ex mayor knows Chepelare's citizens problems.
Erdinch Bilen - ex deputy mayor in Kazanlak and a big forest owner in Chepelare.
Darina Assenova - experience as a teacher in Chepelare and knows the way of work of civic associations in England.
Andrey Lisov - knows the civic association in Denmark

€ 30550,-

Total budget

€ 30550,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Major expenses
Project Management & Coordination-10550 EUR
Printing Materials (brochures, posters)-800 EUR
Advertising-2650 EUR
Webpage maintenance-1520 EUR
Equipment for the Rewards-900 EUR
Design-2330 EUR
Social Media Platforms maintenance and Public Relations-8450 EUR
Pilot street and public places 3350 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We welcome any feedback to improve our ideas as well as all good ideas that come from the small European towns which can be an example in our project work







Idea created on April 24, 2021
Last edit on April 27, 2021

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