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EN.PO.LEI.S | Civic Europe
Community development, Youth participation and empowerment


THE ACTIVE CITIZEN AS A FUNCTIONAL VOLUNTEER Fostering a network of local voluntary organizations to encourage active citizenship after pandemic.


Who is behind this?


PROTASI -Movement for another life style



Idea pitch

By improving their KNOW HOW in educating, organizing, retaining , inspiring their volunteers and supporting the effectiveness of their projects, the aprox. 30 participating local organizations will form a network to respond to the needs of local society after pandemic and promote prevention actions for civic cohesion and inclusion for and with young students by a systemic approach. Elaboration of proposals to decision makers for the encouragement and facilitation of active citizenship.

Where will your project idea take place?

Patras, south west of Greece.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The project seeks to network the prevention of addictions and passive behaviors with the work of other bodies for quality life. PROTASI for 33 years cooperates with many of them. Social inclusion after the quarantines and the promotion of a proper use of the internet becomes imperative. Media and social networks often highlight issues that manipulate critical thinking especially of young people and lead to the passive consumption of products and ideas, reducing the active involvement of citizens. Organizations that encourage active citizenship need support. Their projects have low effectiveness compared to the energy invested. Prevention helps to address earlier the problems that keep away the individual from acting in civil societies with individual and collective responsibility.

Who are you doing it for?

1) the Board Councils of more than 30 volunteer organizations of Achaia. 2) the volunteers (approximately 4,500) of more than 30 organizations in Achaia. 3) the 90 children from 12-18 years who participate daily in their leisure time in the groups and workshops in the Youth Centre of PROTASI and will create 4 video-spots 4) the 40 coordinators- educators of the educational project PEKES who will be trained in the workshop for students "THE MEDIA, VOLUNTEERING AND ME" to offer it to 4.000 students of their area. 5) the 500 school children in the area who will attend a two-hour workshop on "THE MEDIA, VOLUNTEERING AND ME" 6) the approximately 50 teachers who will accompany them.

How do you plan to get there?

1.Information / awareness campaign, research on needs of 30 local volunteer organizations, processing, outcome of conclusions by PROTASI’s staff, 2.Seminar with training providers to 40 representatives of the 30 participating organizations (train the trainer) and networking, 3. Creation of a working group (KERNEL ) among the representatives of organizations to coordinate actions, 4. Training of 1.500 members of organizations in workshops by the 40 train the trainer representatives of participating organizations, 5. Open Event for local community and authorities, announcement of first results, 6. Creation of VOLUNTEER TRAINING MANUAL, by PROTASI’s staff, post to Website, 7.Training of children of the PROTASI Youth Centre by special providers and production of 4 video-spots, 9. Elaboration of a two-hours experiential workshop for school students on "THE MEDIA, VOLUNTEERING AND ME" by PROTASI’s staff,10. Training of the 40 educators- coordinators of PEKES in the workshop for students "THE MEDIA, VOLUNTEERING AND ME" by PROTASI’s staff, 11. Implementation of the two-hours workshops for 500 students "THE MEDIA, VOLUNTEERING AND ME" during 20 day-visits of the school students in shifts at the premises of PROTASI in cooperation with education authorities by PROTASI’s staff, 12. Elaboration of Suggestions and presentation to the Decision Making Centers by the KERNEL.

What are the expected results?

The project will have connected and networked the prevention of addictions and passive behaviors with the work of other bodies for quality life. It will strengthen the structure and actions of voluntary organizations in Achaia by having provided training for public participation and the use of media to the 1.500 members of 30 local voluntary organizations, 90 students of the Youth Centre, 500 students , 50 teachers of primary and secondary education level schools, 40 educators- coordinators. Creation of educational material through website, textbooks for students, for volunteers, 4 video spots. Formulation of proposals to decision makers for the promotion of a more favorable framework for voluntarism and a strong network with more than 33 operators.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

By its nature, the project will work with many local organizations. When it is completed, it will continue as a network. A co-operation agreement has already been constructed with PEKES , the authorities of Primary and Secondary education for similar projects like "THE MEDIA,VOLUNTEERING AND ME" the aim of which is to create questions to kids on topics like active citizenship and objective information that lead to a more critical and holistic thinking. It will be based on an interactive methodology (debates, group work, field work, role playing and exercises of social and personal skills).The University of Patras (Faculty of Science-Department of Education and Social Work), the association of journalists, will participate as educators and members of the network and KERNEL.

Why is this idea important to you?

It is important because it comes as a community request and a challenge for PROTASI and me (coordinator) to discover new fields of networking. It is a mature request after pandemia and corresponds to the role of prevention and quality life.The lead volunteers are:
Dr.Vassilis Passas, initiator, scientific director of PROTASI, initiator of PANHELLENIC NET of DRUG PREVENTION CENTRES, gen. secretary of the PREVENTION CENTRE of ACHAIA.
Andreas Samothrakitis, President, responsible for public relations.
Georgia Lambropoulou, member of the Scientific team, responsible for NEIGHGORHOUD Network.
Eleni Kota Baladaki, member of the Scientific team, responsible for research.
Nikos Gotzis, responsible for the youth groups and communication with schools.
Alexandra Boulougari, administration.

€ 123913,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses


What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Is there a similar project running in the CEC? We would like to come in touch and exchange experiences and ideas maybe leading to a cooperation before the project starts. Please give us feedback on our idea!




Georgia Lampropoulou

Eleni Kotta-Baladakis

Idea created on April 23, 2021
Last edit on April 25, 2021

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