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Education for Love of Homeland and Country | Civic Europe
We strive to educate children and youth for active

Education for Love of Homeland and Country

Education for Democratic Values - Strengthening Civil Society


Who is behind this?

Erika Ašič

Društvo katoliških pedagogov Slovenije



Idea pitch

By educating teachers and enabling the exchange of opinions and experiences (workshops and lectures, internet, e-proceedings) we want to achieve greater awareness and more knowledge in the field of education for active and responsible citizenship and democratic values. Teachers will disseminate this knowledge in their classes. If 120 teachers are involved in the project, we can reach at least 7,000-9,000 children. We are going to work with several media to spread democratic values to the society

Where will your project idea take place?

The main event will take place in the town of Radlje ob Dravi (in the north-east of Slovenia).

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

In Slovenia sometimes we notice a lack of respectable, active and responsible citizenship. Radlje ob Dravi lies in a very remote part of Slovenia. We have chosen it to show that every individual is important in building a responsible civil society; what kind of society we will create depends on each individual. Goals:
To raise public awareness.
To educate and raise personally mature teachers who pass on to children values, information and knowledge in the field of basic human and civil rights and educate them for an active and critical citizenship.
To raise children who respect themselves, others and the environment.
To raise children who know the workings of democracy and who will be active and critical citizens and co-create a respectful society.
To provide professional material.

Who are you doing it for?

Our target group: teachers, pupils, students, the media (one of the key factors in influencing the entire civil society). Teachers need and want knowledge and we are going to provide them with resources to acquire it, to exchange experience and information, and thus empower them to be able to pass their knowledge and new insights on to their students. Namely, a teacher can be a teacher in the true sense when they sufficiently master a certain content and internalize it, especially when it comes to values (democracy, active citizenship, participation). Being empowered with knowledge and information teachers will also be more attentive and professionally equipped to solve various problems (e.g. when they detect a violation of rights or duties, they will know how and where to react).

How do you plan to get there?

2x international meeting (Nov. 2020, Nov. 2021). If 80-100 teachers attend one meeting and each of them teaches 4-6 classes with 24-28 students – with one such meeting we empower at least 7,680-16,800 students with knowledge and values. Since there will be two meetings, this number doubles.
Informing the public – media, social networks.
2x proceedings (Nov. 2020, Nov. 2021) - all papers (professional and scientific) will be published.
Supplement to the magazine Vzgoja (Education): the best articles will be published in the supplement. In 24 months, this means an additional 192 pages with the content of active citizenship. Each issue is printed in 1,700 copies.
Leaflets, postcards, posters.
Website, our online newsletter.
Planning, arrangements, training, implementation, evaluation

What are the expected results?

The project will bring greater awareness and knowledge to all generations, more active participation in the realization of human and civil rights and democracy, more prevention and recognition as well as a response to violations of rights. The project aims to enhance greater awareness that we are all active creators of society, that it concerns us and that we are able to change society. With the project, we plan to raise awareness and enable education in the field of human and civil rights and democracy for the active co-creation of society. Both children and adults will have more knowledge. They will have more internalized democratic values and a greater awareness of responsible citizenship and an active civil society.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

With the project, we aim to contribute to the education of upright, critical, thinking people who care about others and the environment, who are respectful of everyone without exception. Such people will create a future based on respect, regardless of differences. When small, local communities are strong, this will increase cohesion, mutual responsibility and democracy on the state level and beyond. Our approach is professional and based on knowledge and experience. In the project, we bring content and, most importantly, concern about the future, in which every individual is respected and everyone knows and is able to voice their opinion - respectful of themselves, others and the environment.

Why is this idea important to you?

We strive for an education that shapes personally mature, independent, free and creative people who develop their physical, mental and spiritual abilities, and are trained to live and cooperate with others in communion and social life. We plan to raise awareness and enable education in the field of human and civil rights, and democracy for the active co-creation of society. If teachers do not have enough knowledge, awareness, materials and time to educate themselves about the issue, they cannot be successful. If we want to educate youth, we must first educate teachers. Teachers now represent and create a large part of civil society, with a more or less democratic, respectful way of life, and so on – depending on how we, current adults, raise and educate them. We wish respectful society.

€ 50,-

Total budget

€ 46,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

personnel costs: 16,000
material expences: 13,000
office expenses: 8.000
public relations: 5,000
techincal support: 4,000
travel costs: 4,000
TOTAL: 50,000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Such projects are also useful in other European countries (support for teachers) that is why we want links with potential participants and support to extend such a project to other countries. This would build a common European identity, democracy and the interconnectedness of the nations of Europe.



Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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