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Cooperative Territories (CT) | Civic Europe
Community development

Cooperative Territories (CT)

Dialoguing about solidarity and collaborative practises in marginalised territories


Who is behind this?

Daniela Patti



Who is joining forces?



COST Action CA18213 Rural NEET Youth Network: Modeling the risks underlying rural NEETs social exclusion


Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism



Idea pitch

After the Quarantine period, there will be an increased need for collaboration and support.
CT intends to exchange experiences and knowledge, to share skills, stories and ideas, especially outside mainstream public attention, bringing civil society networks together through and post the COVID-19 crisis. We aim at enhancing the international ecosystem of civil society, by producing about 20 episodes on key topics and 3 live events (e.g. workshops).

Where will your project idea take place?

Italy, Hungary, Romania, Portugal.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

We want to bring back citizens' enthusiasm in the European community, in order to overcome the gap with the institutions and the challenges of post-Covid19 phase. Focusing on marginalised territories, our objective is to create an ideal environment for debate and the formulation of projects which respond to citizens’ aspirations, building, assisting public policies and making sure that decisions made by institutions reflect as much as possible their concerns. We are working with institutions like “Innovation in politics” and have a good overview of where the challenges in the phase after the pandemie will be.

Who are you doing it for?

As a main focus, CT broadcast and workshops are open to everybody.
Our main target groups would be :
- civil society networks, the civic sector operating directly with marginalised communities (ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+, etc);
- Public administrations: especially city administrations but also regional, governmental and European;
- Private Sector: specifically focusing on social enterprises and those operating in solidarity economy;
- Research: Universities and research groups focusing on social inclusion processes.

How do you plan to get there?

We develop a space for dialogue and training by connecting main actors from different countries and from different backgrounds.
- About 20 episodes on a bi-weekly basis, regarding topics suggested by direct interaction with local stakeholder organisations and open calls through digital means. 1 hour-long episodes with 5-6 participants on the panel and 3 to 6 short edited videos (3 minutes).
- Online articles summarize each discussion on the Cooperative City magazines platforms.
- Internal Training for stakeholders to develop methodological skills.
- Live events organized on emerging issues, welcomed by the most active project members. One intermediate meeting in Hungary and a final event in Italy.
- The publication of a book will conclude the project.

What are the expected results?

The CT project intends to have an impact on the local context by activating a bottom-up civic participation and strengthening direct democracy by re-establishing relationships among communal actors.
Dialogue will be open to multiple actors and aims at creating a constructive discussion also among those who have diverging visions. We want to promote the creation of local networks which will be able to make citizens more aware about their own local issues, by finding a shared method of approach and developing constructive dialogue, thereby achieving shared solutions.
Such an impact should be obtained starting from activities on the local level, as a first step to stimulate citizens to act beyond local boundaries, through civic learning and engagement.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We aim at increasing collaboration possibilities and generate ideas across the civic sector, match organisations to work together and seek for transnational improvements. To react swiftly to latest developments and challenges of the “new normal”, CT intends to involve the audience, bringing their experience as well as questions to the discussion.
The supranational character of the project will extend and create European networks of actors, from marginalised territories. The workshops following the broadcast introduce a strong component of actually connecting and empowering initiatives. Thereby, resilience and community engagement will be stimulated and will lead to a full active participation, to economic sustainability.

Why is this idea important to you?

CT identifies the need for reaction to such a global crisis we are experiencing and believes intercultural dialogue and equality, promotion of civic values and democracy, are fundamental in order to help citizens unlock the collective wisdom in their communities.
The possibility to enhance the civic knowledge, skills and competences of individuals to achieve community changes, supporting citizens in realizing the change themselves, is a real need and CT intends to empower the individual while keeping an eye on the professional realization of the individual participant within the realm of civil society.

€ 59790,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

The three major categories of expenses are foreseen to be the following:

A. Personnel € 24.960,00
C. Communication & Evaluation € 15.080,00
D. Other € 13.000,00



Levente Polyak

Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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