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CONFLUENZE | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities


A cultural community map designed with participatory planning


Who is behind this?

Giovanni Gasparin

Samarcanda società cooperativa sociale onlus


Who is joining forces?

Comune di Marano Vicentino


Associazione dei comuni virtuosi



Idea pitch

The aim of the project is to create a community map through a creative path with citizens, for collective and inclusive reflection. It is an opportunity to put aside prejudices, and to devote energy to the critical and joyful rediscovery of the distinctive characters that animate the local cultural landscape.
The main points are community and mapping: the first is the result of the contaminations in cultural processes; the second is to carry out 10 concrete projects of active citizenship.

Where will your project idea take place?

Marano Vicentino, Altovicentino area (VI) in the Veneto region, North-East Italy

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Marano is a small town with a rural vocation located in the Altovicentino. It is in an area with a great cultural heritage, with the need to be enhanced. In recent decades, in this area too, cultural fruition has become increasingly individual and linked to consumer logic. This does not let identify culture as a common good. The challenge is to change the concept of culture. Through the active participation of citizens in collective elaboration processes, we want to make the culture democratic, accessible and in symbiosis with the community that can modify it. Direct participation increases social development and the possibility of choice, it is an instrument for social inclusion and overcoming inequalities.

Who are you doing it for?

The beneficiaries of the project are the citizens of the municipality of Marano. The project is open to all and will involve all the associations, trade associations, traders and educational institutions which are the active players in the area. Particular attention from Samarcanda will be dedicated to the involvement of socially disadvantaged people or who may feel excluded from the participatory processes that usually take place in communities.

How do you plan to get there?

Action 1 Mapping
1.1 Organization of 15 meetings following the "world cafe" method for the construction of the community map
1.2 Establishment of a research team for virtuous projects active in other territories
Action 2 Cultural activities
2.1 Activation of 5 working groups that give life to cultural projects taking inspiration from the community map
2.2 Realization of cultural projects. Organization of 5 conferences to present and narrate the projects carried out.
Action 3 dissemination
3.1 Final event with the promotion of a day that tells the results emerged from the projects of the various working groups that intersects with the project "School of Alt (r) to Administration" to be done in the Municipality of Marano

What are the expected results?

Through the production of community maps, citizens are expected to develop strong participation in cultural life. This way of giving meaning back to the concept of culture will encourage discussion within the community that will feel more connected to its territory and to the people who live in it. It will be possible through the participatory process that aims to enhance the differences between the various people by launching places for discussion: the community will have more self-awareness and the concept of local culture will be considered a common good to be developed in the community.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The idea is to start participatory and democratic paths within the local community to restore meaning to the concept of culture. We start from the assumption that the cultural heritage of a community can be reinterpreted according to the changes taking place in it. In order for this to happen, it is necessary to recognize oneself within the community as "bearers of culture" and to be willing to confront each other so that the flow of the individual becomes everyone's heritage. This will initiate territorial discussion processes that will strengthen tolerance, democracy, active citizenship and social inclusion.
This project will allow citizens to express themselves on the merits of culture by promoting dialogue and the accountability between citizens and institutions.

Why is this idea important to you?

The project revolves around the need for a shared culture that is founded by the community that lives in a specific area: citizens often do not explore the potential of their territory or the relations that can be created within a community. What is expected is therefore a situation of dialogue and community growth that will lead to an enrichment of culture in a specific territory: this process will highlight the particularities of the chosen context. Solidarity is another founding value of the project: being a community made up of many people with their own characteristics, it is important to create a situation that allows everyone to make their own contribute to a renewed culture.

€ 54658,-

Total budget

€ 49858,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Structured staff 8.408,00 EUR
Coaching 10.400,00 EUR
Experienced professionals 9.850,00 EUR
Purchase of consumables for cultural activities 22.000,00 EUR
Organizational secretariat 4.000,00 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to have a continue comparison with the Civic Europe’s net to collect and exchange innovative ideas to involve the community and new methods for developing active citizenship.


Samarcanda onlus

cristiano filippi farmar




Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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